unreal. check the brass neck on this motherfucker lol
Get it looked at by a physician immediately. And never lie to your doctor; they have heard everything, anyway.
Please let us know how how the recovery goes.
Lol no shit… what a pussy…
(Jk please go to the hospital).
Why dont you want to tell him what happened? The fuck would you want to withhold information when it comes to looking after your health…
Why’s everyone replying like OP is still alive lol?
This is now an official in memory thread.
Can mods please sticky this.
RIP…. I didn’t know OP until he made this thread. But he seemed like a good dude. We will miss you.
If this isnt a troll job, than youre a fucking idiot. You suffered a life threatening injruy. GO TO the EMERGENCY immediately NOW! and tell the truth. Why the fuck would you want to lie and lead him into misdiagnosing you. Why would they even care that you got into a fight. NOT unless a lot more shit happened that youre not willing to share and you dont want police involved. Let me put it this way, IF you did something bad too, you would rather be ALIVE and in jail, than stay quite and DIE. Do you have any loved ones. Im sure they would rather you be alive no matter what. And if you come clean, you can even get the guy who damaged you prosecuted. YOU HAVE TO COME CLEAN no matter what. But for goodness sake, GO TO THE HOSPITAL
Why do idiots always play games with their lives
Give your life over to Jesus Christ right now before its too late, too. Because if you die now without Christ you will burn in hell forever. Your CHANCE IS NOW. Dont waste it. If you get right with Christ now than you will be saved and live forever. The choice is simple and theres no strings attached. Accept Christ into your heart before its too late for you
Hes definitely dead!
Gone but not forgotten
This fuck man youre noyt 15 and the doc your old man…are you/is he?
God speed OP.
his smile would light up the room
I don’t think anyone in healthcare gives a shut that you got in a fist fight. Tell them exactly what happened
Hard work pays off, dreams come true, OP joined Scott Hall, surveys says we’ll miss you.
Thanks for the responses everyone, I was set to go to the doctor, except my eye has started improving gradually day by day. My vision is still a kind of blurry and reading is a bit hard, except the black eye has shrunk by about 50%.