I got kicked on the top of the head hard by the friend of a guy I was fighting. I was in the mount and punching and I got kicked on the top of the head, Now, here’s the weird part and I swear I am not making it up. I never got hit anywhere near my eye. However, the next day I started developing a headache and blurry vision in my right eye and when I looked in the mirror, a black eye was beginning to form. Another day later and the black eye is spreading and getting pretty bad. I look like I got punched in the face and have a big shiner. My vision is now really blurry in my right eye and I don’t feel well. I’m thinking of going to a doctor. However, I don’t want to tell him what happened. Also, if I tell him I got hit on the top of my head, he might think there is nothing wrong with my eye. Do you think telling him I got poked in the eye with a foreign object might be the best story to tell him?
You just have to tell the truth, man. He’s a doctor. Shit happens.
“I’m not proud of this but this is how it happened…”
Sounds like you really need to be seen ASAP
Tell him you made an alt and decided to go to the og for advice first, obviously.
If you developed black eyes and blurred vision after getting hit in the head and your doctor decides to ignore all that because you werent hit in the eye than i would suggest seeing a different doctor.
Tell him exactly what happened
“My name is Tito Ortiz and I have a cracked skull”.
Save the doctor some work.
You should reach out to Bob Saget and see what he says
Tell the truth.
They like that stuff
You should tell the doctor you got hit on top the the head… you silly cunt
If u can’t see a doctor asap u should probably go to an acute care or even ed. The fact that you have a black eye despite no direct impact suggests as someone has mentioned a basilar fracture, which means u were hit strong enough to fracture a bone. Vision can be associated to fracture and/or concussion. However, Can be detached retina with indirectly associated headache from the trauma. Uncommonly, can even be bleeding in the brain. Bottom line is don’t take this lightly and do not tell him you got poked in eye because ull be throwing him off the correct diagnosis and workup.
Uhhh no, don’t lie to your doctor and mislead him into just thinking you got an eye injury when it could be a much worse skull and/or brain injury? Tell him exactly what happened so he can get you treated
How fast was the cock traveling before it hit your head?
what the fuck do you spend your time trolling for if you actually know stuff? wow what an asshole.
I doubt a doctor is going to care you got into a fight. You don’t have to give him specific details just say you got kicked in the head and you’re having these symptoms.
Go to the emergency department. This could be life threatening. And for fucks sake, yes, tell the fucking truth. Hope you’re ok brother.
Trolling!? What do you mean? Besides, you probably inadvertently accused me of being superior to other forum members including yourself.
Saw a post that might be serious unlike most of the stupid and immature tease and games on the forum so gave my contribution, though your contribution is appreciated as well. STFU
The public, who made doctors and nurses even greater Heroes after COVID are killing me with the naivety. To anyone who has a dilemma similar to Ethan’s remember one thing–with the exception of a few rare ones, doctors and nurses are entitled little brats who were given power. The only thing they give a shit about is making money, working as less as possible, and not being sued. Stated otherwise, they dont give a shit about you regardless of what your story is so it’s better for you to tell it as it is.