Greatest hl Eva !!! Blue please
Watch "Bloodsport Karma" on YouTube
Bloodsport Karma:
GPS: At the next exit, eat your words.
kungfukid - GPS: At the next exit, eat your words."Recalculating route to mouth for word insertion"...
I remember a thread a few years back where the op said gps instead of gsp, it was full of comments about gps finding the best route to victory everytine etc. good times. Lol
GPS helps enemies FIND their words!
Hahaha whoops ! Phones auto correct wins this time lol. Can't seem to edit thread title through my browser either. Oh well joke away ;)
Eagerly waiting GPS's "The Place is Where" press conference.
sgotwalks -Or at least, will recalculate over and over until the words can never be found again.
GPS helps enemies FIND their words!
Where do I buy it...whitch my money?
GPS please locate op's English teacher so we can slap her.
^auto correct buddy. Go slap Samsung for not knowing GSP
Don't tell GPS to beware.
GPS will tell you where to be.
Doc_Watson - ^auto correct buddy. Go slap Samsung for not knowing GSPJokes my fren.
Amasing HL
GPS can't find a finish
Doc_Watson - Greatest hl Eva !!! Blue please
Watch "Bloodsport Karma" on YouTube
Bloodsport Karma:
glad you like the video i made =)
^Lookoutawhale you are the best !!!
GPS is not impressed with your navigational skills.
Doc_Watson - ^Lookoutawhale you are the best !!!
thanks doc!