Gracie Diet?

Saw the latest Tai Lopez YouTube video and it was all talking to Rorion.

Any of you do this diet?

Seems ok minus the no pork. That's lame.

No bacon? No RDUK

It's based on a lot of superstition. Basically Carlos invented the diet and refined it with the help of a spirit medium. No joke. lol
When you say it's "okay", it seems to have variety, choice etc. But it is not okay in terms of the "science" (or lack of it) behind food combining and the theory behind it. It's mostly nonsense. Read some up to date sports nutrition research summaries if you are looking for some real research.
If it's your thing then go for it, it can't harm unless it is leaving out important nutrients, but don't expect miracles beyond the normal calorie restriction, etc.

HotSteppa - It's based on a lot of superstition. Basically Carlos invented the diet and refined it with the help of a spirit medium. No joke. lol
When you say it's "okay", it seems to have variety, choice etc. But it is not okay in terms of the "science" (or lack of it) behind food combining and the theory behind it. It's mostly nonsense. Read some up to date sports nutrition research summaries if you are looking for some real research.
If it's your thing then go for it, it can't harm unless it is leaving out important nutrients, but don't expect miracles beyond the normal calorie restriction, etc.

I always thought Carlos just took it from a Taoist diet?

Judge Mental - 
HotSteppa - It's based on a lot of superstition. Basically Carlos invented the diet and refined it with the help of a spirit medium. No joke. lol
When you say it's "okay", it seems to have variety, choice etc. But it is not okay in terms of the "science" (or lack of it) behind food combining and the theory behind it. It's mostly nonsense. Read some up to date sports nutrition research summaries if you are looking for some real research.
If it's your thing then go for it, it can't harm unless it is leaving out important nutrients, but don't expect miracles beyond the normal calorie restriction, etc.

I always thought Carlos just took it from a Taoist diet?

Probably stole it. But, I believe in Reila Gracie's book, she talks about his correspondence with a spirit medium with over 2000 written letters back and forth (on various topics) and how the diet was refined trough that.
It's funny, a few of the Gracie family (mostly Rorion) try to pass off Carlos as some renowned, famous Brazilian nutritionist, when he was in fact clearly nuts.

They're not nutritionists, but overall it's not an unhealthy diet. Take what you like and leave what you don't. But don't expect it to poof an extra stripe on your belt either.

No bacon? I'm out.

You can't change the ph balance of your blood 

Hmmm.... sounds like a few of you may have been combining bananas and avocados.

That can lead to a lot of mental confusion & poor reasoning skills.

It's not quite as bad as having milk with fruit, but still... it's pretty bad.