Hey all, here's some art work to commemorate the 13th anniversary of Royce & Sakuraba's 90 minute marathon battle:

The full article is here
Thanks for the feedback, I'm still figuring out another significant May fight from days gone by. Thinking about Shogun/Machida II
PS, if you're curious the works are all on birch. They're a combination of engraving, staining & pyrography (burning)
Amazing, would vote up but I've already used today's vote on Camozzi.
Great job man, did that shit pretty quick., did you start it when you messaged me?
Are you fucking kidding me? This shit is legit.
That stuff's AWESOME! You should put them on t-shirts for $$$$! :)
UGPTT_Rear Naked Chode - Great job man, did that shit pretty quick., did you start it when you messaged me?
Hah, yes I did!
I publish every two weeks so there is no time off.
Working on the next one already. It's a great excuse to be watching fights though.
Woodstain would you be interested in doing prints of these?
Email Me at casey@pugilistics.com if you're interested. 
Swedgen -

Now I'm honored, san francisco cocksucka.
Awesome as usual ... Vu op 
Tat2tillidie - Awesome as usual ... Vu op 
Thanks to everyone, I'm glad when people enjoy the work.
VTFU op. I feel like both worlds rarely meet. At least at the level you're at with your artwork.