Grappling Eye Protection

anybody out there have a good solution?

my eye is all fucked up and i can't afford another injury. i'm awfully close to retinal damage if i do.

any ideas? i know jamie cruz (renzo bb) uses eye protection. any idea what people are using that isn't too cumbersome?

do you find you have to wear headgear to keep the goggles in place?

We had a guy who wore racquetball goggles. We used to fuck with him about it, but they seemed to work. Phone Post

Send Jamie a PM. He's on the OG fairly often.

when i grapple and on the ground i usually close my eyes and go by feel.


Jamie (MrBig1) is the only one I've seen on the mats wearing eye protection. But his eye injury was machining metal related I believe, not grappling. Phone Post


NCAA92 -  

That's more often nose protection. Phone Post