GSP: Can't see him doing well against 185ers......

The only intriguing matchup for him at 185 is Anderson Silva, because GSP could definitely take him down and is competent enough on the ground to give him a fight. What would GSP have to offer to Marquardt, Belfort, Franklin, Maia, Sonnen, and all of the much larger fighters?

Yet, BJ is the only Welterweight that could beat BJ, IMO....

I think GSP would do really well at 185. He seems to be packing on the muscle appropriately, has the most dynamic takedowns in the game and would take it to just about any 185er that I can think of.

Also think he would be very dangerous against Anderson, who doesn't have the best takedown defense, but it all depends on if he could close the distance before Silva merks him.

Hendo vs GSP was one of the dream fights that I've always wanted to see, but looks like that's never going to happen. I would've paid double the PPV cost to see that fight

GSP has togh fights with Anderson and maybe Belfort. The rest he tears up.
Franklin, Maia, Sonnen, Okami all get dominated and Hendo gets beat as well.

I think Vitor & Anderson would give GSP trouble, I think a good striker is the guy to beat him

GSP is just being Humble, he would beat most of the MW if not all of them not named Silva

With the weight cuts and all, who among the elite in 185 would be roughly the same size as GSP come fight time?

Humble and a Cheatah...

How he won Canada's Athlete of the year a second time is crazy...

I guess Canucks don't have a sense of fair play!

IrishRottie -  maia and anderson would submit gsp.

Would Demian be able to get GSP to the ground? We all know Maia wouldn't be able to do a thing to Georges on the feet. 


Middleweights GSP could beat the majority of the time:
Bisping, Akiyama, Belcher, Grove, Herman, Lawlor, Leben, McFedries, Miller, Rivera, Cote, Dollaway.

Middleweights he'd be iffy against:
Maia, Okami, Marquardt, Sonnen, Palhares, Belfort.

Middleweights he cannot beat:

I was just thinking of doing a thread on Thiago Alves at 185..

I think both GSP and Alves would do pretty good at 185.

 GSP 185 hypotheticals are a great way to level the playing field for BJ fans/GSP haters.

I generally don't gamble but I can only hope that the general belief here that GSP would flounder against top 185 competition is also the belief held by the general betting public. The time to cash in would be GSP's first fight at 185,  after that the odds will never be as sweet.

I'm obviously in the minority but I believe GSP would do very well at 185. It's not unheard of for great fighters to do well in two weight classes and I believe his wrestling/ground and pound style would allow him to make the transition sucessfully down the road if he ultimately decides to test the waters at middleweight.

CHINESEFOOD - Alves too short for 185

My thoughts exactly. His reach has given him some striking problems at 170 against guys he is supposed to have more skill than and he'd be 185's Sean Sherk with those short arms throwing hooks and missing by two inches every time.

I've met GSP. He's awsome, but he is simply not that big. Some of these 185lbers are huge. He tapped from strikes to Matt Serra and wanted none of the standup in the rematch....he will get rocked by Silva, Vitor, or Dan

NoPlacebo - 
CHINESEFOOD - Alves too short for 185

My thoughts exactly. His reach has given him some striking problems at 170 against guys he is supposed to have more skill than and he'd be 185's Sean Sherk with those short arms throwing hooks and missing by two inches every time.

yeah sherk has that t-rex arm disease alright. it's fucking hilarious

He dominates and outwrestles Rashad in training, no reason to believe he can't do the same to 185ers.

SKARHEAD - I've met GSP. He's awsome, but he is simply not that big. Some of these 185lbers are huge. He tapped from strikes to Matt Serra and wanted none of the standup in the rematch....he will get rocked by Silva, Vitor, or Dan

Yep I have met him also.... he realy has wide frame /sholuders but he is not thick, at 185lb the guys are much bigger and also most have reach and heigth on him, Being GSP though maybe he will surprise but if he goes up he should do the right thing and take his time and gain proper muscle while not losing his cardio and speed....ya know not Pull a BJ and move up and when your ass is handed to you cry foul and bring mommy into this..."To the Death" or for BJ this translates "To the 4th round"..Bwahahahahaha!!!!

NoPlacebo - 
CHINESEFOOD - Alves too short for 185

My thoughts exactly. His reach has given him some striking problems at 170 against guys he is supposed to have more skill than and he'd be 185's Sean Sherk with those short arms throwing hooks and missing by two inches every time.

Who has Alves struggled against, other than GSP? Alves has been amazing lately, and he's now shown a gas tank and great scrambling and TD defense. There's not many great strikers at 185 who could mess with him, outside of the champ and the next challenger.


If he trains with Nate, he probably had a very good idea about how he stacks up against a premier 185er.

I think Hendo would knock GSP the fcuk out!