GSP said this... ?

During an interview with Serra, "Showdown Joe" claims that when having his chin questioned GSP claimed that his chin is not suspect because Serra hit him in the back of the ear so my chin is fine. Serra seemed ligitametly surprised Georges would say that and it does sound very out of Georges character to say something like that and or make an excuse. Can any one confirm this? Or is Showdown Joe just blowing smoke (as he does sometimes)

Here is the Serra interview

I don't see how saying a blow to the back of his head isn't an indication of the strength of his chin is an excuse.

It's a correct statement. The back of the head is not the chin.

the chin is not literal

B_Goetz - I don't see how saying a blow to the back of his head isn't an indication of the strength of his chin is an excuse.

It just seems a little Bitchass'y. Trying to take away from Serra's win.

greg jackson said the same thing. what is wrong with the statement? it was a fact.

Serra never knocked him out. He just knocked him down with that shot to the back of the head.

He got hit flush by Serra's punches on the chin after but didnt go out.

Greg Jackson Interview: GSP has a Good Chin

“Oh my God yeah. That shot that really hurt him hit him on the back of the head,” Greg Jackson said. “It never hit him on the chin. He’s spars at the Grant Brothers gym in Montreal with these World Champion boxers and they nail him. They nail him. He has a really good chin. He just got caught.

“What Georges did in that fight was, he bent down at the waist and got hit right behind the ear,” Jackson said. “And it knocked his equilibrium off and he never really recovered from it.


Okay I guess Georges probably did say it.

Like I said I thought it sounded a little out of character. A little bit of bitch assness in it. No harm done though.

Watch the video.

Serra did hit him in the back of the head which knocked GSP down.

Even if he did say that. He wasn't trying to take away anything from Serra - he had his chin questioned and he answered!

Have you seen the fight? after the first punch - which some said, it was behind the ear and some said it was in the back of the head, (regardless it was not on the chin) - it was all downhill from there.

As a matter of fact, after that first punch that hurt him badly, he was hit right on the chin, and didn't go down or out!

It's a legit statement though. If you watch the fight, the initial shot that wobbles gsp's legs is a huge right from serra right behind gsp's left ear

 Well, he did say it was a hit by the ear that hurt him, and it was. I don't see an excuse there.

Well he did get hit in the back of the head.. It was a good shot it wasn't illegal or anything.

 lol @ people thinking "chin" or "jaw" are literal

Ive seen the fight. Yes I know he got caught right behind the ear, just where Lesnar caught Coture, just were several others have been caught. Most recently Vitor caught Franklin there too. It's the second button.

But back to the GSP/Serra bout..
The fight ended as GSP tapped to strikes that were connecting with his face/chin area though.

Hiro Protagonist -  lol @ people thinking "chin" or "jaw" are literal

Hiro Protagonist -  lol @ people thinking "chin" or "jaw" are literal

lol even more at someone thinking that getting hit on the back of the head has anything to do with how easily someone gets knocked out from legal punches. Especially when GSP has never been knocked out.

course, it could be easily explained. i'll come up and hit you on the back of the neck on your spine. i'll call it a body shot since literals don't matter and we're all good.

he was hit on the ear/back of the head is the reason he even lost. How do people not remember this?

Hiro Protagonist -  lol @ people thinking "chin" or "jaw" are literal

Here's an idea: go out tonight and have someone hit you in the back of the head and then tomorrow have someone hit you in the chin. Let us know the results.

Hiro Protagonist -  lol @ people thinking "chin" or "jaw" are literal
So just to clarify, having a good "chin" or "jaw" means that someone is hard to knock out even when hit behind the ear, too?


the first 3 shots that connected in that flurry accidentally found their way to the back of GSP's head.

he was dizzy as hell for the rest of the fight and still took some clean shots to the chin from Serra and never went out.

Calling his chin questionable off that seems like really reaching for some dent in the armour.