GSP vs BJ Penn free ufc fight

could somebody tell me why Gsp had such a hard time striking against Penn? good kicks tough,
but Gsp was busted up badly in 4min, what cuz of this is ? bad distance management? not planting his feet ?
sometimes it looked like he would have better pop just from slapping


BJ had great boxing.


Gsp had explosion, but was landing nothing, and Bj was slower and landing almost everyhting…
i would say BJ won, split decision
Gsp didnt do much, few takedowns and no damage
prob Hawaii didnt have great fan support


Yea that was much closer than I remembered.

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Penn won that fight but at the time judges were convinced takedowns were worth more than knockdowns.


Here we go again. BJ fans are the most delusional in the sport. He clearly lost that fight

Penn should’ve got the win.


georges: broken nose, swollen bleeding eye, fucked up mouth
BJ: looks like he just checked the mail

i’m not saying the way someone’s face looks after a fight is the end all be all determining factor of who won the fight. i’m saying it was a split decision, GSP got hurt, and BJ didn’t. it’s not “clear” that GSP won.


1st and 2nd to Penn. GSP is given rd 2 on takedowns and do-nothing body strikes while in Penn’s guard.

Hard to believe how Penn has actually become “underrated” by many in the current MMA era.

He was a bad dude in his day.

The fact is that gsp is highly over rated unfortunately.