Guy gets 9 years for bar assault

InTheClosetCucumberBoy -
T?bikan J?dan -
2breath2feel -

The old man flicked in the face twice. Don’t touch other people’s faces? 

Maybe have some self control and don't hit an older man even if he's out of line?

Unless hes a manlet ufc champ, then retards aroud here will defend it

Wow. Another guy who Conor fucked his mom. Sure are a lot of you.

Dugs95 -
InTheClosetCucumberBoy -
T?bikan J?dan -
2breath2feel -

The old man flicked in the face twice. Don’t touch other people’s faces? 

Maybe have some self control and don't hit an older man even if he's out of line?

Unless hes a manlet ufc champ, then retards aroud here will defend it

Didn’t need to call him a Manlet, but your point isn’t wrong actually 

Don’t need to but he is 5”9, which is borderline Manlet status 

It wasn't an unprovoked assault... but he still deserves some jail time especially if he really did beat someone half to death outside the bar as well. 

Assaults in general need waaay more jail time then they are usually given. 

Most people go to jail longer for stealing something then they do for violent assaults. 

Dapperdon -

lays out an older guy with an elbow followed by 4 hit combo 

lol @ 9yrs…if he had killed him he could have gotten less.

shaqitup - 
Dugs95 -
InTheClosetCucumberBoy -
T?bikan J?dan -
2breath2feel -

The old man flicked in the face twice. Don’t touch other people’s faces? 

Maybe have some self control and don't hit an older man even if he's out of line?

Unless hes a manlet ufc champ, then retards aroud here will defend it

Didn’t need to call him a Manlet, but your point isn’t wrong actually 

Don’t need to but he is 5”9, which is borderline Manlet status 

Isn’t Conor 5’8"? Either way, I’m 5’10" and I hope I’m over “manlet status” even if not by a hell of a lot.

Bad Karma - Damn, nice sentence. One would need to do an actual manslaughter to get something like 9 years here in Finland. Sentences for aggravated assaults are usually like 2-3 years of jail if you get prisoned at all that is, almost half of the time you get only probation.

Didn’t watch so the sentence is possibly deserved, especially if he was stomping someone that was already down.

All that aside, I can’t imagine getting any time at all, if it is a mutually agreed upon fist-fight. Again, I understand that may not be the case in this particular incident. At all.

A mutually agreed upon fist-fight here will get you a $500 fine, in the absolute worst case scenario. I have gotten less of a fine many times.

That all obviously goes right out the window, if you are picking on someone that wants no part of fighting. That there will get your ass locked up. As it should. A fist-fight…not so much.

We call that a normal Saturday night in the small towns here.

And we do it all without shooting, jumping, or stabbing anyone.

Those there are big city traits, and it just doesn’t happen much at all here. Fight, win or lose, go home and call it a day. No issues and it is settled.