Half Guard Finish (from top)

 Anyone have a good finish move from Half Guard Top?

heel hook
Baseball choke
knee bar

I like the top lockdown to rolling calf slicer


 I love the baseball choke, but I cant do it from half guard.

sharkroll -  I love the baseball choke, but I cant do it from half guard.

yeah i dont understand that one... you need to pass to do baseball choke.

 ^maybe you just get it real deep and muscle the shit out of it.  Steroids could help.

Personally my best finish from their is the straight armbar with the figure-four grip, usually off a failed kimura. Failing that, Ezekiel. Failing THAT, Brabo no-gi. Finally, failing that, Brabo gi. Strange order, just what I'm comfortable with.

Take care,


no one mentioned kimura?


vegard - no one mentioned kimura?


 holy shit, this is probably the most used from there.  and it just slipped through the cracks.

  1. Shoulder of Justice / Deep Cross Face to choke, pass or mount

    2. Kimura

    3. Kimura to straight arm

    4. Step over head with free leg and roll Kimura

    5. Americana

    6. Americana to mao de vaca / wrist lock / kote gaeshi

    7. Underhook to far side spinning armbar, keeping the leg trapped in half guard (Dave Camarillo / Marcelo Garcia version)

    8. Ezequiel

    9. Front Sleeper (no-gi ezequiel choke)

    10. Trap head and far side arm to step over katagatame / side choke

    11. Marcelo Garcia quillotine / chin strap

    12. Cross lapel choke

    13. Cross lapel choke with underhooked far side lapel / Brabo set up

    14. Brabo choke with arm pushed across

    15. Brabo choke with arm pushed across to waki gatame / straight armlock

    16. D'Arce / Brado no gi variation

    17. Toe hold on top leg (top half guard triangle)

    18. Toe hold on bottom leg

    19. Block hips to sit back heel hook on top leg

    20. Far side spinning knee bar

    21. Far side spinning knee bar to straight footlock on other foot

    Just some stuff I like to do. I love to smash people in top half guard.

    Daniƫl / Carlson Gracie Holland
sharkroll -  I love the baseball choke, but I cant do it from half guard.

 I really appreciate all the great answers, Thank you.


rape choke ftw :)

Leg in triangle!

(I wish I was cool enough to do this)

My top 2 are

1) Pass to Mount

2) Farside straight armbar