Happy Birthday Mark Coleman

Coleman winning the pride gp is one of my favourite mma moments. Happy birthday mark!!!!!

Happy Birthday big man!!



Outlaw'd by Lytle - 

Happy Birthday big man!!


That is Vin Diesel not Mark. 


C'mon man. 

My bad... Sentiment remains the same though. 



The grandfather of ground and pound - goldy

blue namer please.

Happy birthday Hammer!

Happy birthday Mr. Coleman!

If they hadn't banned head butts he'd still be champ.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Bday Hammer!

happy birthday and thanks for all the entertainment... in the ring, in the banana suit, in that crazy rogan story in the bar out in the middle of nowhere

Happy birthday champ!

Excuse me sir, but this forum is reserved for Joe Rogans birthday only. 

Flexo -

Excuse me sir, but this forum is reserved for Joe Rogans birthday only. 

Take your gripe up with The Hammer thenn..... :)

Ben Saunders - 
Flexo -

Excuse me sir, but this forum is reserved for Joe Rogans birthday only. 

Take your gripe up with The Hammer thenn..... :)

Coleman is defenately a guy Id want on my side

I actually had the pleasure of having dinner with him and Baroni during their prime. Heard a lot of amazing Pride stories and laughed my ass of for a couple of hours. HBD to the legend!