Happy Birthday Mark Coleman

The Legend!!! :)

Not sure if this is real... since I have never before heard that Joe Rogan and Mark Coleman share a birthday... !

Fuck it though, trust in Saunders.

Happy Birthday Hammer!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to The Godfather of GNP !!!

Happy b day

Marvin Caribou - Not sure if this is real... since I have never before heard that Joe Rogan and Mark Coleman share a birthday... !

Fuck it though, trust in Saunders.

Happy Birthday Hammer!
It actually is The Hammer's Birthday... lol

He just turned 52 years old.

Joe Rogan's birthday is August 11th. Lol :D

Happy Birthday Champ!

Happy bday to a legend!! 

Happy birthday champ!

Happy birthday champ hopefully you are in good health.

How can we be sure it's not actually Vin Diesel's birthday? Could be some confusion here.


Happy birthday, HAMMER!


Happy B Day Mark!

Big fan ....Happy Birthday !!!!! Id love to hang out with Coleman a true legand of the sport

Taco muncher - How can we be sure it's not actually Vin Diesel's birthday? Could be some confusion here.


Happy birthday, HAMMER!
On July 18th, Vin Diesel turns 50 years old. :)

Happy Birthday Hammer!

Da Hammer! Happy Birthday! >=]

<img src= "http://i.imgur.com/QyFeTlc.jpg"

Happy birthday Champ. Been a fan since his first run in the UFC. Wrestling skill, strength, and aggression. Oh, and some mighty g'n'p.

Happy birthday champ!