Happy Birthday Mr Zipp! Have a good one.

Happy Bday

 Happy Birthday Buddy.  Would love to see you soon.  Let's plan it.

Happy B-day nigga

cyberslinger -  Happy Birthday Buddy.  Would love to see you soon.  Let's plan it.


 Yes I do have milky juggs. lol

 Headed out to Nobu in Beverly Hills for dinner. Boo yaaaaa


Hope you have a good one, Zip! :)

 Happy Birthday!

^HAHA what a dickface!!!

Oddly enough, Zipp is buffer than I had imagined..


Happy Birthday Mr. Zipp!

Happy birthday mate

 Bill, you're a good dude.  You do a lot for the sport.  Happy Birthday gangster!


 Thanks for posting that pic of Crooklyn Kneetoface.

I was having a fine dinner and Cheech Marin of Cheech and Chong came in.  And my wife wouldn't let me bother him. :-(  He is about 65 or so, and he had dinner with a hot 28 yo. Props Cheech.

Thank you to all who wished me a happy bday.  Sincerely.

Beeeeep !


I'm late but happy B-Day, you got the bald head and goatee...I would almost believe you were an ultimate fighter but you're missing the tribal/pitbull/flaming skull tats, so you're almost there!

Happy B-day.

 I was at a resort in Mexico and I just came out of the gym.

And yes they were laughing at me ;-)