Big Day , Happy Birthday to the most respected Mod and finest Forum Member Mr. Zipplokk !!! TTT


 Happy Birthday Bill!

erotic-cakes06.jpg picture by TheDropper  

 Happy Birthday Zipp!

 Happy Birthday Mr.Zipplokk!

Happy birthday Zip!

Much love.

 Happy Birthday pal

guardbr8kr -  Happy Birthday Mr.Zipplokk!


Happy Birthday home slice!


Happy Birthday Bro!


 TTT for Zipp!

Many thanks my friends. I will drink one....for each of you !

MrZipplokk is a respected/valuable UG Moderator, accomplished martial artist, ultimate party host and all around nice guy.  I hope you have a great birthday, my friend. 


 Thanks Gary.

And since you are worried Haole, I'll post my recent pic.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

 That's 6' and 2 inches and 250 lbs of old man for you ;-)  lol

Happy Birthday Zipp! I hope I don't lactate that bad when I'm an old fart! ;p

 Happy Birthday!