Happy Birthday to Forrest and Twister Trent!

 It's past 12:00, meaning it's my birthday! And I also share a birthday with Forrest Griffin!

Happy Birthday Forrest!!!



 it's not his birthday by the way


from his own site, July 1 is his birthday...

Vinny I coulda swore it was.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

bakalol -  www.forrestgriffin.net/fighter/fighter_bio.php

from his own site, July 1 is his birthday...

 Yes, I know we were talking about that few months ago at the gym, and he said that his birthday is not on july 1st as it says on his website. 

bakalol -  www.forrestgriffin.net/fighter/fighter_bio.php

from his own site, July 1 is his birthday...

 Yes, I know we were talking about that few months ago at the gym, and he said that his birthday is not on july 1st as it says on his website. 

 Well, Vinny talked to the man directly soo....

Happy Fake birthday Forrest!!

 I don't know where he pulled July 1 from either.   I think he or I put that as his Bday when I started his Myspace and it just stuck.   Not July though.

Forrest is in town and a group of us (Duffee, Adam, Rory, etc)  were at a Sushi place last night...30 min there and it wqas on FB that Forrest was in town and at that restaraunt, lol