Just wanted to wish a few of our NAGA  Staff members a happy Birthday:

Chris Palmquist - NAGA Webmaster and Graphics Designer
John Hagopain - Event Coordinator



happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Guys!

happy b day....you old bastards

Hey Kipp, What about Randy Rowe - His birthday was on the 28th....

hey John got promoted....can I have a title too?

Happy B-day!

happy birthday to all

Happy birtday

today is Rich Clementis bday too

happy bday guys!

hey thanks guys. turning 21 was fun. turning 22 was lame.

Happy Bithday!

Chris you are 22? Happy birthday. Try being 46! No comments, please. Yes, I AM an old bastard! But I'll still kick Chris' butt! Yeah Randy Rowe was 30 on 3/28. Thanks Kipp!

Ah... to still be 19

19! I know I can't kick your butt Joe! I think Kipp is still 19.

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to all!...Joe