Happy St. Patrick's Day from her..


that shirt is way too small

and where are her pants?


I need to go change my underwear.

 wholly chit mon!

Mega Butter face!

Crooklyn - 
DIZZZLE - that shirt is way too small

and where are her pants?

I'm questioning your heterosexuality because I'm thinking her shirt isn't small enough.

I'm questioning your ability to detect sarcasm. He was laying it on pretty thick.


She is a brutal butterface too.

Actually, most of her face is fine...its her eyes that scare me for some odd reason. Way too small and squinty.

Body is insane though.

Would you guys pick her over Chandella?

Butter Face.

Anarkis2 - 
DIZZZLE - that shirt is way too small

and where are her pants?
I do say sir that this is clearly an outrage. Where is this poor girls parents?

indeed. It must be awfully tough to slide check her opponents with no shorts.


someone needs to cut that field. It's ridiculous to think you could play soccer with the grass so long.

also, that kit doesn't appear to be regulation length

JT42382 - Would you guys pick her over Chandella?

 in a heart beat.

Chill__Owl - 

Exfuckingactly. I was going to call her a Jelly Fish but thats a much more accurate depiction.


ninjasaresweet - Mega Butter face!

butter tits are awesome...