Hell's Angels in Hawaii?

and the vibration on your clit?

fnunderful - and the vibration on your clit?
And my anus!! Phone Post 3.0

Helps the hemorrhoids?

Anal clit ftw.

Moke - Anal clit ftw.
Mangina ! Phone Post 3.0

T.Jay Thompson - WTF is an OC? Sorry im not the brightest bulb. A stuntman friend of mine is the chapter pres or whatever it's called. Overall seems like a solid guy, very well connected on the NS. As far as what they do I have no idea. I've actually never even seen him with his colors on. Phone Post 3.0
Where's that sweet pic you posted in Odins MC thread...the one with the sign in the back that says keep off the grass, but you n the kiddos are clearly not "keeping off" the lawn?!? Lol

Damn Criminal :) Phone Post 3.0