Help Finding Video

Before Ben Askren fought masvidal, a fight i think he still wins 9/10 times, he was a well respected mma fighter outside of casuals. There was a highlight video of him chain wrestling over the course of his mma career with “return of the mack” playing in the background. It was so incredibly relaxing for me to watch i would play it any time i was having bad anxiety. I cannot find the video on youtube anymore and fear that since his masvidal loss and the jake paul shit, that people may have become embarrassed of him and taken it down. Does anyone remember the video im talking about and have a link? I would be greatly appreciative.

Thanks for the troll…I guess? Not sure what your trying to do here.


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@BoydBucky Jesus, you post 100 times a day and offer nothing of substance. Embarrassing.

You are the embarrassing queer…

What’s wrong with you,

Why attack me, I’m trying to help you.

You’re not retarded, so why the anger brahhh




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I hope Ur “bad anxiety” comes back after u view this thread, u fucking weirdo Nonce cunt

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Basic Bitch

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8 posts without a reply. And you searched gay wrestling gifs. Second hand embarrassment. U bored as hell

Lmao at “weirdo nonce cunt”

Funny how words come about.

|NONCE|Not of Normal Criminal Element (sex offender reference)|

|NONCE|Not on Normal Courtyard Exercise (prisoner)|


Hi cre buttsniffing loser

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