Yes, this is a complete repost, but I heard from David Ferguson that the petition won't be presented to the committee for another month or two.

If you didn't see it the first time:

OK Guys & Gals step up and show your support. We are close and working hard to bring MMA to the state of Tennessee. The unified MMA Champ himself, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson is from Memphis TN and wants to help bring UFC to Tennessee so he can battle it out in front of his home town crowd.

Please take a moment to sign our petition and stay tuned for news and updates as it moves its way through.

I need people to put this on every message board they're on, send it through email, tell your friends, neighbors, or anyone. We're shooting for 10k, help out MMA in the MidSouth!

Thank you,


HillaryLRHC I will do anything u say!

David said it went well in Nashville but not well enough where the signatures wouldn't be needed to show the support. Lend 20 seconds of your time even if you are signing it with someone elses name :)

RuleDogg thanks for catching that. I copy and paste it from the petition and forget to change it everytime.

Come on guys, spread the word!

hell yes will do :)

ttt Kirik help me out again?


I went and met Rampage at Ed Clays place, it was all pretty cool.  A lot of people showed up. Good things are happening.


already signed it TTT



