Help me find this headgear?

Silly goose, I thought there was going to be no contact to the head, so why have the headgear? Phone Post 3.0

mikerobmma, why you gotta start with name calling?


AAAANNNNYWAY... For Champions under 18 years of age- YES there is absolutely no contact above the collar line.  Still, protective gear is worn "just in case".  There are two over 18 divisions: one with head contact, and one without.  Thanks for posting!


There's one with a clear plastic face shield like they use in Japan. Can't remember what it's called but it's a Gi competition with throws allowed and all ground strikes are feigned for points. Looks like karate judo but with gloves and a face shield.

Yeah I'm not much help... Phone Post 3.0

Good effort MuchRespeK!

Yeah I tried that one with my heavyweight coach a long time ago and he broke it LOL luckily it didn't cut me.  I even bought a second one and he broke that too!  And then there was the "grid" cage by ringside that Tom Muller dented into my nose with an uppercut and gave me the scar on my nose :D :D