Help me find this headgear?

I have to protect my nose and the headgear I use doesn't have a chin like this one:

For your troubles, my eco-friendly MMA clothing company that I gave to a client; and then he did absolutely nothing with (these shirts were bamboo, soooo comfy): 

Here's famed MMA Agent Ken Pavia doing a liver flush at my apartment a few years ago:

LOL here's the before and after on my 2 week program:


Here's the headgear again; and the BULLY CONTRACT that got me in trouble with Joe Rogan (not really):


Here's an old flier I made for my upcoming MMA SPARRING CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR COMING SOON:

Here is a pic of a seminar I did in Brooklyn (BKMMA) and my stage avatar CHIEF MASTER LUKEY OPTIMUS RED OWL CUMMO:

Aaaaand, here's the headgear I'm looking for again:



Closest thing I can find so far.

I can tell you that is an OLD ASS cleto reyes headgear. Dunno if you can find that model anywhere and if you did find it the materials used today would be far superior (and the foam would have degraded with time)


I will poke around some more.

Thank you Letibleu I used that one a few years ago and people would hurt their hands on the plastic- I have basically tried every heargear, including the TWINS full face (which does not cover the nose) and the TUFGEAR nose protector (which does not have a chin).


The one I posted; as featured in the EPIC Self-defense Aerobics video seems to have the ULTIMATE PROTECTION!



Me training with Ronda Rousey (JUST KIDDING RONDA OR AM I LOL):

Well the visibility left and right seems to be superior to massive cheek protector models. I would be concerned about distance perception with that big bar between the eyes. Put one finger or a pencil on the bridge of your nose and you will understand what I mean.

I guess something like this is the closest I could get nowadays, I'm just wondering if an MMA Glove could slip though (and there's no chin either):

If we find one, and want to send it to you, should we address you as Optimus or Megatron?

Lucas Maximus - 

Me training with Ronda Rousey (JUST KIDDING RONDA OR AM I LOL):

Pulls on her ass cheek to improve position. Nice.

This is what I've been using, so far so good, I guess they don't make 'em like they used to haha:

drmmr - If we find one, and want to send it to you, should we address you as Optimus or Megatron?


There is a company called MET-X that makes a good one with a good chin protector. There is an add-on that you strap to it that protects the nose like a grill, but not as annoying as a grill. The vision would not be affected to much although there would be a period of adjustment. Probably a better option than having something on the bridge of your nose which really messes up distance.

Check your PM