I started training no gi two years ago. When I started I was carrying an injury in my left shoulder (torn labrum) following a dislocation a couple of years before that.
Subsequently the shoulder dislocated four or five times during training, one time it dislocated by my training partner just setting up an arm triangle.
I saw a couple of specialists and eventually, following an MRI, decided to have an arthroscopy. This was January of 2011. Had a bankart repair and was in a sling for about a month, then started rehabbing the shoulder. The rehab went well but I lost about 5% of my motion in my shoulder (it might be less, but it is basically really stiff and painful and weak when i hold it in an "americana" type position).
After 6 months I started training again, no gi. I went super light, was as careful as I could be, basically just did NOT want to injure it again. Didn't go back to lifting at the gym, just did rotator cuff type exercises and the basic rehab stuff my physio had given me.
Moved to America to study in September 2010 and didn't train again until January this year due to limited opportunities where I'm at. Finally found a good class with a great instructor and the classes are mainly gi classes (everyone wears gi pants and he'll tell us if he wants us to wear gi tops). After I told him about my shoulder injury he mentioned to me that training in the gi will help as it slows the game down...
So basically here is where I need help.
1. Has anyone else had a bankart repair and gone back top training BJJ? How did you rehab it? How did you overcome your fear of injuring the shoulder again and how did you not let it interfere with your training?
2. How helpful will training in the gi be?
3. Should I always tap super early on that side?
Sorry about the long post, this s**t is just pissing me off so much now. I'm a young guy (23), and apart from my shoulder am in good shape.
I have had two bankart repair on the same shoulder. Invest in some bands for stabilization and strength exercises. Warm up good before workouts. Use the bands for raises, upright rows, and rotator cuff movements. Stretch twice a week while strength training as u will lose ROM as u get stronger. In regards of tapping, I tapout super early to the Americana. I can't afford a third surgery and don't wanna deal with the pain again. U can also google "bankart physical therapy" and get a full list of exercises. Good luck man.
leftleg has good advice. IME I had SLAP+Bankart+decompression in Aug'11 and am back training. Make sure you've built the strentgh up and can handle "shock" loads.....like when someone grabs and pulls your arm or when you have to push/pull, etc.
If the surgery was done well and you rebuilt it in therapy and follow-on strength training you should have no problems.
Related topic.....see the shoulder thread on the OG.
Thanks a lot for the responses. If anyone else has had experience then your responses will still help!
Slaphead, do you know any good tests/exercises to check how well my shoulder handles "shock" loads?
I plan to start hitting some shoulder press this week, bad idea? good idea?
Thanks again,
This probably isn't all that helpful since I didn't start training until about 6 years after the bankart repair, but my repaired shoulder has been totally 100% for a long time (I don't remember the exact time, but probably 12-18 months after the surgery-- mine was bad enough that they couldn't scope it, had to open me up completely). The only reason I even remember that it was injured is because of the scar and that the little metal anchors have screwed up subsequent MRI attempts.
Anyway, just figured I'd mention that this doesn't have to be some kind of long-term issue.
hybridfc - Thanks a lot for the responses. If anyone else has had experience then your responses will still help!
Slaphead, do you know any good tests/exercises to check how well my shoulder handles "shock" loads?
I plan to start hitting some shoulder press this week, bad idea? good idea?
Thanks again,
When I was doing rehab the PT office had this slider/spring pulley thingee that you pulled and it would kinda bounce so it kinda had a weird feel.
Try using bands with your arm in a americana angle do short pulls in a fast tempo, both facing toward and away from the band anchor point. I stand and weave a band around my TRX suspension trainer and do it.
Also suspension trainer seems to really help strengthen my shoulder fast with chest press, tricep extensions, rollouts (straight out and then to the side and back to start position), rows and the exercises where you pull straight arm to a Y, middle and lower.....like a reverse flyes.
had the operation in july 1999 as a beginner bluebelt. I also came back after 6 months but I just felt like it was too soon and was afraid I was gonna destroy it again. So I took some time off and came back a year later. Did a lot of swimming and yoga. A couple years later I started working with a lot of kettlebells which I feel helped all of the stabilizer muscles in the shoulder.
I always tap immediately to the americana on that side. Ill try to bridge out and bait the other arm. If it doesn't work, I tap right right away. I actually have very good flexibility to the kimura though. I have been training fairly consistently for 10 years since I came back. Haven't had any additional problems.
I remember asking the surgeon right before the operation if I would be able to go back and train jiu jitsu. She told me that would be no problem. I would just never be able to golf. Who woulda thought.