Hendricks basically said he was a juicer

EddiePain420 -

GSP at 60% with one knee beat the very best version of johnny hendricks on super steroids...GSP THE GOAT!!!!!

Lol nice try...

jasperb -
jkd4200 - This is the first time he has had ENERGY?????

This dude was a beast at 170lb, even came very close to beating GSP!

Once USADA came into play he has looked like shit at 170.

So i believe he was referencing how shitty he feels post USADA.

Came close??? He destroyed and humiliate GSP in that fight, scared him away from the sport.

Haha, no.
Haha, yes

He said in an interview that usada banning iv's is what killed 170 for him. Said he relied on them 



^on that link he says he's been clean his whole life

Politically Incorrect - 

Thought he eat Magny 30-27 as well, IMO this fight was closer than the Magny fight. 

At this point, I would say the USADA policy that hurt him the most was I.V. ban, that can make the weight cut mentally and physically tougher for Johnny, and I feel like he struggles with the cuts more than the fights, and them banning i.V.s after he had probably used them for most of his 20 years of weight cutting could have really fucked with his method. 

I think he's better off at 85, I think he has the wrestling defense to be a contender even though he needs to get into shape, he should be walking around at 190, not 200, not 220, if he could add some speed and even more cardio by getting rid of excess belly fat, then I think he could be a contender. 

very good point... i did not factor in the IV.

that being said, i do think weight cutting agents that are now illegal and other PED's have been a part of his training.

he was an absolute killer pre- USADA.

the IV is a huge point though.

Or maybe it's because of the IV ban smart ass

0hi0direct - 
Donoghue88 -

"Everytime a fighter turns a corner its evident drug use is involved" - UG, every year.

I hear you, and I really hate being that guy. Idgaf about juice, fuck if anything I lean towards allowing it.

But Hendricks may possibly be THE BEST post-USADA example out there. He totally fell off and transformed.

yes... he has a belly, no definition.

he looked like he had energy against a post USADA Lombard.

Henricks will get murdered by the real 185'ers.

He's getting older, he changed camps, iv ban and terrible at controlling his weight. Their are plenty of factors to why he "fell off" although I thought he looked better against hector than he has in his last few fights and of course he's gonna have more energy if he doesn't have to cut so much weight. I'm not saying he wasn't using but their plenty of other factors that can explain why he's looked the way he has.

jkd4200 -
0hi0direct - 
Donoghue88 -

"Everytime a fighter turns a corner its evident drug use is involved" - UG, every year.

I hear you, and I really hate being that guy. Idgaf about juice, fuck if anything I lean towards allowing it.

But Hendricks may possibly be THE BEST post-USADA example out there. He totally fell off and transformed.

yes... he has a belly, no definition.

he looked like he had energy against a post USADA Lombard.

Henricks will get murdered by the real 185'ers.
Hendricks is a real 185er, all the others are real LHWs that cut weight