Hendricks to make mma debut

according to fiveouncesofpain.com, recent NCAA champ Johnny Hendricks will be making his MMA debut soon. This is big news considering this guy is talented as hell and was pretty exciting to watch while on his run to the championship. Supposedly he's been training with Extreme Couture, so he's obviously very aware of what he needs to do to get himself mma-ready.

Hendricks will be good for the sport, especially among those who
followed his wrestling career.

Will this be taking place in the same promotion Rosholt fought at last month?

hendricks is definitely exciting to watch, not only is he a good wrestler but he's quite a character. He play the whole heel angle well, I remember him having a whole bunch of people furious everytime he would win lol.

"Will this be taking place in the same promotion Rosholt fought at last month?"

I'm not sure, but I do know him and Rosholt are part of team takedown if that's what it's called.