Here Since the Beginning

Early 00s for me


Webtv… those were the days… a very cheap way to surf the interweb… I was pretty much from the beginning with different aliases … Dirk Diggler, Chest Rockwell, Reed Rothschild… all were premabanned … Been with my current one for almost 10 years. A lot of good memories here … it got me through a many of night sh-fts working…


I’ve had the same SN since 2004. A 20 year ride is over. I wish nothing but the worst for Alta.


I’ve been here so long that I was here before the site even began apparently. Could have sworn this site was around in 1995-96 but guess not. Making stuff up in my head.

Regardless, what a sad way to go out. I’ve been far more of a lurker than poster but the site has been a pretty constant form of my online entertainment. Cheers all and RIP UG/OG


Been here since Tim Moussel’s (sp?)…long time, for sure.

OP, remember the beatings I gave you in Fight Night Round 4?

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Are you talking about this forum or watching the Lakers?

I remember your cowardly fighting style. Your attrition fighting won you the fight but lost you someone to fight against. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

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What? I used Joe Frazier and fought like Joe Frazier. Came forward and wore you down with offense. Never heard anyone call that a cowardly style. I remember you being sore about the ass kicking back then, and still sore many years later. Didn’t realize you were still sore.

At least you’re not pretending that you won.

The quickening is here.

There Can Be Only One Highlander GIF

I wasn’t sore back then that you beat me, nor am I sore now. Your approach to the game was to run away. You did a good job winning the fight and a terrible job playing the game. It is clear your triumph over a decade ago means a lot more to you today than the loss ever meant to me.

That’s just not what happened. I used Joe Frazier and I walked my opponents down and I always tried to corner them. You were really salty about the loss or two back then, but I thought you’d be alright by now. Maybe I’ll try joking with you about it in another ten years?

Lurking since 1999.


What joke? You’re just being a dick in an entirely unrelated thread. Good job.

I wasn’t being a dick. A bit of above-board ball busting. Not really unrelated to the thread title or the gist of the thread.


Jeez, the hurt is still there for Fat Christ by the looks of it.

You were Reed Rothschild???

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Yes, it’s me. I had a wheels for like a day, then he changed all his stuff. Its ok, I’m the brains of the duo!

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