Herschel Walker to fight MMA?

 That may be true, but if you've watched Pride on FSN, he appears to have attended every Pride fight ever.  In the same outfit no less.

He was the man in the apprentice. I remember hearing that him and Canseco were gonna make a Celebrity MMA show guess that never happen.


Good for Herschel man. So what if he's never a contender. He can fulfil a dream and people will pay to watch.

 I wouldnt be suprised if he did good.

He was a AWESOME athlete and a lifelong martial artist.

I want to see him fight

 Lets hope this doesnt happen, but if it does, he can fight kimbo

"Apparently, Herschel has been practicing some form of MMA for thirty-plus years now, incorporating it into his football conditioning."

LOL @ this!

wow. Put him on TUF with Canseco and Kimbo!

They can rename it "I'm a celebrity...kick my ass!"

 47 years old. End of story.

^ I agree. The only thing bad I would say about Walker is he is a bit old to start Pro MMA. I wont be shocked if he has his moments. The guys was a Born Athlete and great a whatever sport he attempted. Good for the Old Man.


i doubt he needs the money. he can still get a lot of endorsement deals in georgia, they still love him here. the guy was a freak of nature so even if he is 47 and only operating at 70% of his prime ability he's probably still a better athlete than 99% of the population. now being a great athlete doesn't make you a great fighter so i won't comment on the rest of it.

Sober is correct.

He should fight Concseco. This could be the start of something new and bizzare reality series or fight promotion. MMA Joe's vs. Pro's. or MMA pro vs. Pro...I'm being serious.

Lets get Ron Van Clief out of retirement to face him.

ive heard the pushup story Pretty impressive workouts if true

Actually pretty inefficient workouts. I am sure if he did weighted dips with a few hundred pounds of additional resistance he might be able to get away with 40 to 50 reps total over the course of the workout and get one hell of a lot stronger. Not to mention the workout wouldn't take 4 hours.