Herschel Walker to fight MMA?

sorry if this has already been posted.......

Herschel Walker, MMA Superstar?date 06-08-2009 01:24 PM author Lee_Russakoff writes:
body For years we have heard rumors about Herschel Walker crossing over into mixed martial arts. It looks like Herschel is finally ready to set a date.

In Peter King's MMQB, King reports that Walker will make his MMA debut this fall.

Herschel Walker said the other day on our radio gig that he's making his MMA fighting debut in November. "I told them I don't want to fight a bum. I want to fight a contender," he said.

Walker announced a possible dip into MMA waters back in November 2007. Apparently, Herschel has been practicing some form of MMA for thirty-plus years now, incorporating it into his football conditioning.

Let's hope Walker, who turned 47 this past March, fares better than some other pro athletes that recently "bursted" onto the MMA scene. Johnnie Morton and Jose Canseco immediately come to mind.

Though, no matter what happens, this still has to be a better decision than playing Russian roulette ... Right? Anyone?

Can a 47-year-old ex-running back be successful in MMA? Will this just be another sorry publicity stunt? Or can this Apprentice also-ran actually win in the ring? Sound off here.

Message Edited by Lee_Russakoff on 06-08-2009 01:59 PM

 Herschel must really be hurting for cash.

 this is a joke

if all else fails you can always be one of them ultimate fighter guys. Anybody can do that

 This will be about as equally successful as his run with the 4-man Olympic bobsled team.

*Although his 2-man team placed 7th.

 Herschel by "Heisman Pose" palm strike.

If he can still do 2000 push-ups, he has a chance.

hes 47? holy crap..he looked to be in incredible shape on the apprentice

mma the wasteland for washed up athletes to make money

GenericAmerican - If he can still do 2000 push-ups, he has a chance.

more impressed with the 1500 pullups and 1000 dips.

actually with those numbers I am more impressed with his active imagination

He was an amazing football player but the guy lies like no one I've ever seen. He also said years ago that he was competing in the Olympics in Tae Kwon Do.


did he blow through all his money?

 He doesn't need the money. He just wants to prove himself against a challenge. One fight and done.

ok that makes sense

I hope he doesn't get KTFOed

One of the best football players of all time. Arguably the most dominant player in NCAA history.

Still, the guy is old. I'm all for giving everyone a shot, but I'd hate to see him look bad just because his body doesn't work any more.

I'd need to see him looking REALLY good in training against some high level pros before thinking this is a good idea.

 Re watch Canseco and then expect about that quality of a fight.

 Wow I never would have guessed he was 47.

mrzipplokk -  Re watch Canseco and then expect about that quality of a fight.

Canseco was doing it for the money.

If Herschel just wants to prove himself, it may be a different type of fight especially if he really has been training for this many years

uratoker2 - Apparently, Herschel has been practicing some form of MMA for thirty-plus years now

 wow.....30+ years of MMA training?  Impressive!

On his website it talks about how he had a mental health problem that was trauma related. Not exactly the best thing to have entering into an MMA fight at 47.