hey Cain fans!


Cain is going to getting gorrila-raped all day Phone Post

Cain dont weigh 220

I think Brock is now in superb shape and would be very hard to beat.

The best time to beat Brock was when he just came into the UFC (rookie effect) and just after his battle with the disease.

Your right, but Cain is no Carwin. Phone Post

SeditiousViciousness - Brock may have improved tremendously and dusted off that ring rust from the last fight, I wouldn't put it past him. He's a tremendous athlete and a hard worker just like most wrestlers. However anyone who says he looked good in his last fight is delusional or in denial, and if he looks like that in this fight he won't last long. He's defintely a tough SOB but he had some luck with Carwin gassing out as hard as he did, and he won't get that this time around. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

You could say thats a testament to Brock, winning against Carwin, completely out of his comfort zone and pulling out the win.

If/when Brock beats Cain, I dont think he'll be beaten by anyone currently in the UFC, even JDS.

^ you are right. But that was a lesnar who hadnt fought in a year, almost died, and knew he was facing someone as big as him who had finished everyone in the 1st round. This time around, brock has non of those issues. Training non-stop since the carwin right, facing an opponent who is undersized by 30 pounds, and has shaken the ring rust off. Its a mental game now Phone Post

Carwin was a legitimate knock out artist. Everyone has short memories here, just cause Cain KO'ed an aging Nog everyone thinks Cain has been putting fools to sleep with his fists.. he hasn't.

 Question: Why did Carwin gas?

Answer: Because it's the only damn way to keep Brock down!!!!!


 I see only one semi-impressive win.

He should after that terrible performance.