Hey Pavelich

Quit spamming this forum.

You've been warned.

Oh you two, crazy kids in love. Stop fighting and start loving.

We all cool.

 Except for wangbr8kr, who is only partially cool, with a chance of teh ghey.

Maximum Fighting - Are you serious? we have one post, that's it, but you just went and started another one. I can't stop people from posting about us.

 Actually, to be honest, you posted the same video to multiple threads. So really, it qualifies under the spamming rule.

However, I think you deserve just a warning this time because you have fantastic hair.

I think we can all agree that this warning can be considered your first. In order to lessen the sting you may be feeling, here is the pic of a semi-dead hooker getting banged.

Dougie - 
Maximum Fighting - Are you serious? we have one post, that's it, but you just went and started another one. I can't stop people from posting about us.

 Actually, to be honest, you posted the same video to multiple threads. So really, it qualifies under the spamming rule.

However, I think you deserve just a warning this time because you have fantastic hair.

Damn, Dougie... Always paying attention. Beating the shit out of the correct. Mostly, anyway. I don't think a man's hair is cause for leniency.

 Alrighty then. Let it be known that Mark was given more than fair warning?

I'd say the warning given was more than fair.


Is there even a mod on the Canadian Forum? I remember one warning MFC and cleaning it up a bit a few years ago.

Getting ridiculous with all of this spam.

Mark FUCK OFF with posting the EXACT SAME thing on 10 threads at the same time.

go grab kirik or someone

MFC sucks Cock! (Bet I get banned for that lol but the MFC must be blowin the Mods to keep this shit up!)

What's the deal with all the "street thug" in that video lmao... Seriously I know Edmonton is all hardcore and stuff yo.

^^Hey Cocksucker this is what I call spamming the forum.