Hey UGers!

My daughter who is 5 brought home a jiu jitsu flyer from school today and she expressed her interest in it greatly..She is 5 and I'm thinking about putting her in the program.. Is 5 years old too young? What are they taught at that age? Any advice or experiences that your child has had would be greatly appreciated!! :) I manly post on the OG but don't hold that against me lol Thanks so much! Phone Post 3.0

5 is not too young. That's the age we start letting kids into our program Phone Post 3.0

Let me just state again that she is 5..ya know cause in my op I didn't state that enough lol! Geez! Phone Post 3.0

Chris - 5 is not too young. That's the age we start letting kids into our program Phone Post 3.0
What do you teach at that age? Phone Post 3.0

5 is fine. Go check out the kids classes and see what they are doing.

I have great advice.

For tits... Phone Post 3.0

Malvert the Janitor - I have great advice.

For tits... Phone Post 3.0
Just fits in general or my tits? Aren't the maple syrup tits getting old? Phone Post 3.0

Why should she have to defend herself in the kitchen? Phone Post 3.0

Take her along and see if she enjoys it. Stay and watch a couple of the classes, I'm sure it will be fine and she'll have a great time. Phone Post 3.0

garrote - Why should she have to defend herself in the kitchen? Phone Post 3.0
Lmao! If she can cook and grapple that would be epic!!!! Phone Post 3.0

Find a local school in your town and go observe a few classes.

Seriously though, have her take a trial class and if she enjoys it sign her up! Phone Post 3.0

garrote - Seriously though, have her take a trial class and if she enjoys it sign her up! Phone Post 3.0
I will for sure! Phone Post 3.0

NorthernHospitality -
Malvert the Janitor - I have great advice.

For tits... Phone Post 3.0
Just fits in general or my tits? Aren't the maple syrup tits getting old? Phone Post 3.0
Good point. How do you feel about honey? Phone Post 3.0

garrote - Why should she have to defend herself in the kitchen? Phone Post 3.0
Sometimes these things happen on the dining room Phone Post 3.0