Hi new here and looking to buy and trade

 Hi, my name is Jon and i'm from Minnesota. I've been collecting mma posters for a little more than three years now (should have started earlier) and i've been lurking around here for a month now and I decided to sign up today.

I've been looking for a Pride Final rd 04' Gp poster and i'm willing to buy, or trade with something I have for it



Also, if someone can help show me how to properly insert a pic link from photobucket that would be much appreciated...

Can you guys see pic's now???


Thats a NICE GP 2003 Pride poster! "Fritobandet" sounds familiar...

I'm not sure how to explain how to post pics, i just know. Fuck around a bit and you will get it... dont worry about making a shit-ton of posts... I will clean up the mess if you make one :-)

fightpimp - Thats a NICE GP 2003 Pride poster! "Fritobandet" sounds familiar...

I'm not sure how to explain how to post pics, i just know. Fuck around a bit and you will get it... dont worry about making a shit-ton of posts... I will clean up the mess if you make one :-)

 Thanks for the advice..Have I bought from you before?

Bought or traded, not sure... the fritobandet sounds familiar though. Do you buy from Ebay?

fightpimp - Bought or traded, not sure... the fritobandet sounds familiar though. Do you buy from Ebay?

 Who Doesn't make the mistake of buying from ebay?  I use Fritobandet on Xbox live, ebay and a couple pro wresting forums I troll from time to time and a couple mma fourms I post on when i'm wasted....