Hockey Fighters Gone Too Soon

Good read about the three hockey fighters that died this summer.

Were you guys following this? Crazy stuff.

Do you think MMA will follow pro wrestling (once a lot of guys are retired) and have some bad issues? The hockey one doesn't make alot of sense to me however.

lol now read the real story

 What do you mean the real story?

Those fools died from being totally irresponsible and not watching they are putting into their bodies. I am from Canada and have been following these stories for a while. Phone Post

enforcers usually rely on a cocktail of MMA drugs, and fans have been onto the TRT defense for years in other sports. just ask bev francis and suzanne sommers, she wrote at least one book about it.

bhealthy - enforcers usually rely on a cocktail of MMA drugs, and fans have been onto the TRT defense for years in other sports. just ask bev francis and suzanne sommers, she wrote at least one book about it.

WTF are you talking about? I dont speak jabberwocky, someone please translate.

Belak had two daughter's screw him and his selfish decision. I hate to speak unkindly of the dead but his pain is over and now his kids will carry the pain of their father committing suicide for the rest of their lives.

 Being a hockey "enforcer" is like being a security guard at the ballet.  You only have to intimidate unathletic weaklings aka hockey players.  Most of hockey "fighting" is pulling on the other guy's jersey and throwing arm punches.


Freeman Dyson -  Being a hockey "enforcer" is like being a security guard at the ballet.  You only have to intimidate unathletic weaklings aka hockey players.  Most of hockey "fighting" is pulling on the other guy's jersey and throwing arm punches.

Lol unathletic weaklings? lol try again bud Phone Post

i doubt that all hockey players are unathletic and even less are weak, but even an armpunch from a juiced-to-the gills enforcer can do some serious damage. people really underestimate the power of the hoids. ask barry bonds and lance armstrong, the shit works.

Freeman Dyson -  Being a hockey "enforcer" is like being a security guard at the ballet.  You only have to intimidate unathletic weaklings aka hockey players.  Most of hockey "fighting" is pulling on the other guy's jersey and throwing arm punches.

Let's see your candy ass take some "arm punches" from NHL HW's seriously we would all laugh as your eyes welled up with tears.

what did his daughters do to him (belak)?

mine? what is grammatically wrong with that question?

i would really like to know; thanks in advance.



"It's the night before, the day of the game, before it starts," he said. "It's the shivers that it gives you, the worry in the head and the brain. It's when you go to a movie and you can't watch it because you're thinking the next game about having to fight Derek Boogaard or someone like that. Or you don't feel well, but something happens and you have to go out there. ... It's that pressure that's nonstop that you live with."

Laraque has often said the same thing since he's retired. In MMA, you usually have months to prepare, so there's a break from the constant pressure, training is not the same as fighting, and you can train to peak for your bout. The constant grind in hockey is what destroys them - well that and the new crop of pain killers.

Alcohol was a big problem for many players, but pain killers can make you an addict and kill you outright - as it did for Boogaard (only 28!) and few seem to remember Bret Favre almost died from an heart attack because of the same shit.