Horrible tats = fix it up, why not Brock?

a buddy of mine got a tribal on his left shoulder/arm,

and one design was messed up in the process.

he just went back after a bit, and got it thickened.

^ note - this is not him, im just trying to show what i mean.

he had a skinny row that was messed up, so he got it fixed.

my question is, why wont brock get a thicker blade for the sword?

or at least, fill it in more. thats what i would do at least.

just got me thinking cause i saw my friends new tat today, and it looks good.

but then again, i think tribal tats are overrated and overused. but whatever.

Most of Brock's fans wish his sword would have more girth.

No offense but tribal tattoos are like putting a Lolapalooza logo on your body. In ten or twenty years tribal tattoos will say 1993 all over them.

Voice of Reason - No offense

none taken dawg, like i said im not a big fan of them. or any tat for that matter.

and LOL mad x. i would laugh if he did try and fix it, and the cock just got bigger.

 He need to tattoo a pair of balls on it.

VectorWegaLives - 

Why does he need a bigger penis?

Side effects of years of steroid abuse?


Mad Xyientist - 
VectorWegaLives - 

Why does he need a bigger penis?

Side effects of years of steroid abuse?


+1, hahaha.


 ^ Wow.  Just wow.

^ he should do this, and turn the cock into like the trains chimney.

I've always said, if the swock is an actual OUTLINE of said member, then he can keep it as is. More power to him.

Otherwise, I agree with the TS....fix it.

Frate trane looks pretty good.

tribal makes me laugh. so do tap out shirts.

Brock won't change his tat because he LIKES TO HAVE A BIG COCK ON HIS CHEST FACING HIS MOUTH...

whats the story behind his tattoo? did he fall asleep at wrestling camp? how does one end up with a penis on their chest? very strange indeed

ballet of violence - whats the story behind his tattoo? did he fall asleep at wrestling camp? how does one end up with a penis on their chest? very strange indeed

 he felt like "he had a knife to his throat" for a while in his life.

ballet of violence - whats the story behind his tattoo? did he fall asleep at wrestling camp? how does one end up with a penis on their chest? very strange indeed

He explained it in an interview - something to the effect that it signifies a period in his life when he felt like he was under so much pressure that there was a knife to his throat.

ballet of violence - whats the story behind his tattoo? did he fall asleep at wrestling camp? how does one end up with a penis on their chest? very strange indeed

 I've always wondered the same thing.


the train idea is cool