Horsemeat Discovered in Irish Burgers

Horse DNA has been found in some beef burgers being sold in UK and Irish supermarkets, the Republic of Ireland's food safety authority (FSAI) has said.



Meanwhile, a secret investor has secured access to the frozen foodstock.

*Awaits report of Irish Guys getting puffy faces and putting on 30 pounds of muscle in one year's time.

Thankfully I don't shop in Tesco or Iceland or eat rank frozen burgers.  I guess thats what you get for eating nast processed food.

Shocking photo taken at the facility in question.

I'm so hungry I could eat a burger in Ireland. Phone Post

i did feel thick solid and tight after that big mac now i think about it.

Anybody else ever got half way through a horse and thought, maybe I wasn't that hungry... Phone Post

More Reem jokes, please.