How Bad Would BJ Beat KJ ????

I think he'd rip KJ a new A-Hole

Is that a statement or a question?  Also, you have the verbal skills of a 12-year old.  Nothing better than one-line sentance delcaring your opinion for the world to see, like the rest of us really give a shit.  Maybe if you put some effort into it, you might have better dialogue...

"I think BJ would rip KJ a new A-Hole because..."  <- Here, you can finish this....


BJ would win by submission...

 certainly bj would win on the ground

It's hard for me to call; I tend to favor BJ, but I could imagine KJ keeping it standing and winning.

Theres no way KJ is gona knock out BJ with his granite chin and good head movement, no way.....



what the fuck is this bullshit?

KJ beats Jorge Gurgel and all of a sudden he can beat BJ fucking Penn? Are you nuts?

Penn would fucking smoke him in a round.

^LOL right the BJ that lost to Edgar?

 Before or after the bell?

Edgar barely out-decisioned him in a lackluster fight and is 1000 times the fighter that KJ Noons is. Noons doesn't have the wrestling that Edgar has, nor does he have the BJJ that Edgar has.

You're all fucking deluded if you think Noons can hold Penn's jockstrap.

He would own BJ on the feet...and has great take down Defense its not that delusional BRAH

My god.. BJ would WRECK KJ. Are you guys even serious?

Posted from my mma underground iPhone app

Would BJ stand with him? He took Pulver down after all.

JOB - Edgar barely out-decisioned him in a lackluster fight and is 1000 times the fighter that KJ Noons is. Noons doesn't have the wrestling that Edgar has, nor does he have the BJJ that Edgar has.

You're all fucking deluded if you think Noons can hold Penn's jockstrap.
agree 100%


billyzane - He would own BJ on the feet...and has great take down Defense its not that delusional BRAH

Stick to making C movies and stay away from MMA Mr zane.....

kj is not a joke. ask his dad

What does "Hus" stand for anyway?

Hateful Useless Sonofabitch?


Posted from my mma underground iPhone app

1 day ago
im betting kj would knock him out if it stayed on the feet.

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