How did Geo Martinez do ?

How did he end up doing? Phone Post 3.0

Heard his performance was slammin! Phone Post 3.0

He really dropped the heat on the competition Phone Post 3.0

He was a real headache for his opponents Phone Post 3.0

He slammed a guy. Phone Post 3.0

ThinkMMA - He slammed a guy. Phone Post 3.0
It was worse than the holocaust according to some Phone Post 3.0

He was up an down IMO Phone Post 3.0

He hit the mats pretty hard.

Snoozefest. Phone Post 3.0

His performance powerfully bombed. Phone Post 3.0

Geo "Batista" Martinez

He lost today to Bruno but did really well overall. He's lucky he was in that division the year t wasn't stacked like it normally is Phone Post 3.0

How'd he lose the 3rd place match? I missed it somehow. Phone Post 3.0

According to open mats FB he got subbed by Tanquinho, not sure how Phone Post 3.0

he was confused for a homeless at one point

mikeshort06 - How'd he lose the 3rd place match? I missed it somehow. Phone Post 3.0
Tanquinho submitted him Phone Post 3.0

Considering four years ago he didn't know what side control was, he did amazing Phone Post 3.0

checkuroil - Considering four years ago he didn't know what side control was, he did amazing Phone Post 3.0
This. For a guy who has only been training about 4 years to already be at that level competing with the best is amazing. Phone Post 3.0

That's pretty amazing Phone Post 3.0

I think it shows you that if a high level guy wants you to be high level he can do it pretty fast if you care to work hard Phone Post 3.0