How does a man go about getting his green name?

arm wrestle OMA

Usually it takes the promoter to verify that you fought pro or amateur on their show.

After that you e-mail

Let’s see the fight..

^ runner ups get a blue

Punch a bum in the face then email kirik.

A man has no name

StevetheWeasel - It's a common misconception that fighters get their green names for having fought. Green names are won during Kirik's annual St. Patrick's Day bake-off. Bake-off winners are then required to fight one another in order to crown the champion. I still remember the rhubarb-peach pie that got me my first green name.
Wow. I'm inspired.

I only know you get a red name by fighting a bear, but it has to be sanctioned.

You have to call the wolfman a cunt on Twitter

StevetheWeasel - It's a common misconception that fighters get their green names for having fought. Green names are won during Kirik's annual St. Patrick's Day bake-off. Bake-off winners are then required to fight one another in order to crown the champion. I still remember the rhubarb-peach pie that got me my first green name.

Haha this answer is the best

StevetheWeasel - It's a common misconception that fighters get their green names for having fought. Green names are won during Kirik's annual St. Patrick's Day bake-off. Bake-off winners are then required to fight one another in order to crown the champion. I still remember the rhubarb-peach pie that got me my first green name.

And it was one hell of a rhubarb-peach pie!

Suck off Chris

crowbar - 

Usually it takes the promoter to verify that you fought pro or amateur on their show.

After that you e-mail

This... But Steve's answer was better

Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 

If I have the right person I see youre in our database. To verify send me an email to and provide your MMA ID number and we'll set you up

RickStorm -
Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 

If I have the right person I see youre in our database. To verify send me an email to and provide your MMA ID number and we'll set you up

Yes I am in there I believe but I don’t know my mma ID number

Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 
RickStorm -
Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 

If I have the right person I see youre in our database. To verify send me an email to and provide your MMA ID number and we'll set you up

Yes I am in there I believe but I don’t know my mma ID number

Email me with youre name and date of birth =)

StevetheWeasel - It's a common misconception that fighters get their green names for having fought. Green names are won during Kirik's annual St. Patrick's Day bake-off. Bake-off winners are then required to fight one another in order to crown the champion. I still remember the rhubarb-peach pie that got me my first green name.
I am a better baker than you!!!
RickStorm -
Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 
RickStorm -
Yaaaaaa Buddddddy - 

If I have the right person I see youre in our database. To verify send me an email to and provide your MMA ID number and we'll set you up

Yes I am in there I believe but I don’t know my mma ID number

Email me with youre name and date of birth =)

I did thank you