How Far MMA is

... from producing their Federer, Shumacher or Tiger Woods equivalent?

because IMO Fedor isn't it yet

Fedor. I don't understand why people always try to explain their version of why he is or isn't...

Look at the facts, Fedor is unbeaten, has tooled just about every great HW in the last 5 years... Why bother making scenarions and what you think and all that crap when you've got real data in front of you??

He'd have to have fought way more than he did so far to be considered on

the same level of those mentioned



"Look at the facts, Fedor is unbeaten, has tooled just about every great HW in the last 5 years... Why bother making scenarions and what you think and all that crap when you've got real data in front of you??"

Fedor isn't unbeaten.

He is the Federer, Shumacher or Tiger Woods of MMA.

Federer, Shumacher and Tiger Woods are considered specially by their

peers as the best eva.... I don't think we have that in Fedor's case

I think you'd loose money on that one

I don't count the TK cut. Tell us then KASCA, who do you think?

Do you think he's not it, because he hasn't caused a media sensation like those mentioned? That is entirely to do with the nature of the sport, and not his talent level. I'm not even a big fan, but you just have to respect someone that has so thoroughly dominated the division.

I think he's still to come... he will totally dominate the sport, a prodigy
since his early years, with no background except cross-trainning from the

The whole world will be in complete awe with this fighter skills... things
will considered in terms of before and after him... that's what I think.

The thought of someone being any more dominant than Fedor is scary, and personally, I don't really want to see another division get boring... I think the HW's, because of Fedor being that good, have gotten stale.

"...I'm not even a big fan, but you just have to respect someone that has
so thoroughly dominated the division."

...and everyone will be his fan.

It isn't about that, I think Fedor's great but we will see someone better

come and dominate more than he does. It's not about seen a division "get

boring" either but to witness geniality is the very thing we all look for in a


lol... something like that

"What does he have to do, to get to that level? Beat every single fighter in MMA one by one? Because I honestly think he could make a good run at that."

I too honestly think he could nearly do that. If he fought the best competition in a row, and he has already taken out the best, and continued to work his way down the ladder, he would be undefeated since the bullshit call that was his only loss.

"Until he takes on Sylvia its hard to rank him up there with Woods, Federer, etc."

lol, that's fucking funny. What would that have to do with anything?

WTF is up with that guy, Shane? lol

There could well be a better fighter in the future, I'm sure there will be in fact. But it would be harder for a fighter to be any more dominate than Fedor is right now. The only thing that could do it would be a larger Field of competition. What? Arlovski, Barnett? Hunt, Sylvia, lol? That's all that's left right now. He would take out all the current LHWs and below too, in my opinion. He's the best fighter in the world right now. You cannot deny that.

I don't.

but I think this sport is too young still to have produced it's Pele, Federer
etc. (as yet)