How good is Antoine Skinner?

There was some slipping that night, but it didn't seem to really affect anyone.

with or without the catch, jay dominated that fight.
antoine took him down, but was swept quickly. he gave
up his back and mount where jay landed some good
punches and a couple decent submission attempts.

thte ring surface was the same as the last IHC and he
didnt seem to have any trouble winning that fight.

give jay the credit he deserves

Jay is a tough dude

Well Sd since you have only seen him fight in the IHC your observations are way off. He has had a bad performance against Jay and a mediocre performance against Wisnewski. This happened again due to the ring surface, which several fighters complained about including the main event. I would love to see how Jay would fare against Kotani, Gumm, Ishowkawa where Skinner was winning all of those fights very early in his career and got subbed. Against Ishokawa it was one of the best fights of the night and he lost a decision. As I earlier stated I am not disrespecting Jay in anyway. However, He has an open invitation to fight Skinner in a non Shooto bout to his choosing we ACCEPT openly right here right now.

In the rest of Skinner's fights he is known for non stop action, against Wisnewski it was so slippery that he did not take any undue chances to get turned or move to much because he said it was once again so slick. He as well as many fighters and myself have questioned the use of the ring surface at the IHC. However, the promoters know that the fighters don't like it but there sponsors are on there so they had to use it. Hopefully, in the future this problem will be fixed and you can see the real Antoine. Or just tell Jay to take a re-match. Im sure I can get it booked in several events. My number is 765 520 5555 and we will be waiting on the call.

Thank you.
Team Wolfpack


a loss is a loss. it doesn't matter who is winning during the
fight, it matters whose hand is raised at the end.

if i were jay, i wouldnt fight those guys cus jays still early in
his career. someone like gumm doesnt get to figt in the UFC
for nothing. i can understand trying to make a name for
yourself by beating a big name fighter, but often times that
plan back fires.

jay doesn't need to rematch antoine. antoine is starting to get
back on track and is definitely becoming a force to be
reckoned with but its still too early for a rematch at least for
the time being.

antoinne just needs to keep on doing what hes doing and im
sure they'll meet up eventually.

as for jays immediate future, hes focusing on some big fights
that are lining up and training for those.

on a related note, don't expect jay to respond to this because
he's out of town due to a family emergency. instead of trying
to call him out, please keep his family in your thoughts.



I agree a loss is a loss but there are many variables in a win and a loss. Thats what makes the fight game so exciting. Once again, nothing but respect for Jay and his family. There was no one being called out, just simply saying that a re-match is something that Antoine has expressed a great interest in.

Who is Skinner fighting in New Orleans?

Meho I heard your debut fight is scheduled for July 24 in Decatur against none other than The Badd Ass Billy Speed! Can you verify that.



i think i came off harsher than i meant to.
good luck in N.O.

no prob timmy. I hope to see Jay do well in his next bouts and then they can meet up down the road again for fun.

who's manny reyes jr.?


Antoine won a Unanimous decision against Chris Higi, in a fight that should have been stopped due to GNP, where Higi was severely cut on June 26th.

Also, he finished Ray Totorico by strikes in the first round Saturday night July 10th in New Orleans, after his original opponent Scotty Johnson backed out of the fight.

His next bout will be in The Courage Fighting Championships in Illinois on July 24th.


Antoine won a Unanimous decision against Chris Higi, in a fight that should have been stopped due to GNP, where Higi was severely cut on June 26th.
me having been the one that stitched tht cut up, i will say that it was not "severe" by any means

is skinner fighting phil johns?