How goofy is this?

What are the chances a master 5 middle goes to master 1 middle and has a decent showing?

V = 51 to 55
I = 30 to 35

Pretty goofy.


Depends upon how big the bracket is.

the other thing is that it depends upon what you mean by “decent showing”.
You’re going to be a low seed, so you’re going to get one of the top guys in the first round and if you didn’t get the #1 guy, you prob would in the 2nd round after he had a bye.

Assuming you’re doing this because you beat everyone at Maser 5 and are a masters world champ?

Or is it so after you lose the first round you can say, “Well, you know not bad considering my real age group is Master 5”

One of the oldest and lamest tricks in the book. Only one worse is competing up a belt and saying, “but I’m really only a blue belt”

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It’s a state tournament. No one in masters 5. There will be four in masters 1. And yes, I’m not supposed to win. And yes, I’m competing 20 years younger. And yes, I’m doing it for a challenge. All I can do is the best I got so your douchebag comment falls short.

Didn’t realize people gauge shit on whether or not you’re a world champion.


Also that’s exactly what I’d say “I didn’t do too badly considering I’m masters 5”. You’re not even good at being a douchebag, I take my last comment back. How do you suck at that too?

I’m the only one that has any wins in this promotion so more than likely if they seed anyone it’s be me. It’s pointless anyway but I understand what you’re saying.

I wouldn’t do this at masters worlds.

Maybe you should re-read your original post, douchebag. Seeing how the only time Masters divisions at black belt are discussed in seriousness here are either Pan or Masters Worlds, that’s what I assumed you were talking about since Masters is in two months

How hard would it have been to say what you just said originally? Retard.

There is no down side apart from losing. You will be the under dog, and if you win it will be awesome.

Lol at still being a douchebag. You’re the one who assumed stupid. Goes on a BJJ forum and acts like a cunt

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You asked if it would be goofy for a master 5 (50-55) to compete at master 1 (30-35) with ZERO context and I basically said, yes it would be not only be goofy, it can be a douchebag move. You didn’t like the answer because there was CONTEXT and circumstances we were supposed to know about because we are mind readers.

You didn’t give a simple ‘yes it would’ you knob. Here’s what you said right here. The first word you used was “ASSUMING” and then you went on about it being the oldest and lamest trick in the book. Like a douchebag.

You can’t argue your way out of this. You behaved a douche and rather than accept being a douche you continue to act like a douche. SOP for a douche.

Jesus. Take a hike. Good luck in your jerkoff local tournament.

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I’ll consider that comment as you accepting you acted like a douche. Have a good one brother

Goodluck man

I am 60 and if the opportunity comes to have matches in my Masters division I take it. The issue is it only seems to happens at the really big IBJJF or SJJIF tournaments.

That said at other tourney’s I end up doing Masters 1 or even adult and sometimes I win and sometimes I feel like and old slow guy in the fast heat but for me it’s about having fun and testing myself,

I had a match at a pro show not that long ago against Philip Hawes (UFC fighter) and got beat. No moral victory just saw on that day I felt old and slow but had a blast


The ultimate expression of BJJ is NOT the Adult Black Belt Division.

The ultimate expression of BJJ is actually Masters VI (the top age bracket)

Not joking.

I was watching a couple matches of Koral belts & higher in Brazil and looking at their skill I realized THIS is the true pinnacle of the BJJ journey; it’s really about what skills you have after a lifetime.

The matches are interesting to me. They’re similar to Blue Belt matches in some ways. Although the competitors are extremely knowledgeable, what they do is very simple. As we get older we just CANNOT do many of the things we used to (obviously), so you focus on what you CAN do.

So, what are you left with after a lifetime of Jiu jitsu practice…? This question is a million miles away from, “What can a 24-year old black belt on steroids do?” which is how we tend to view what constitutes the pinnacle of the art.

But, no matter how good someone is, everyone gets humbled by time.

Those matches show a lot of truth. It’s neat to see what these guys can do. It’s not mind-blowing, but it’s real.


I agree 100% with the Master divisions being the best examples of BJJ, but I think the Masters 3 division is the pinnacle though. These guys are 40-45 and have typically spent a significant amount of time training, competing and sometimes teaching. Sometimes more than half their lives.

What has their BJJ been reduced down to? Most of the time the basics. The basics done near perfection. The guys on the podiums are usually guys who won as adults. Sometimes former Adult world champs. Their BJJ technique, and most importantly strategy, is really fun to watch. Especially in a 5min match.

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I think the original intent behind not wanting you to come back and say “….not bad considering my real age…” was meant to help you not fabricate an excuse before you even go out and compete.

Said differently, if you make the decision to compete, it should be because you intend to win. If you don’t, then it’s because you need to get better at XYZ. But don’t give yourself any opportunity to count yourself out before you even begin.

I don’t know you, the division, the competition etc. but I do think you can win. Just need to develop the right strategy