He seems balls to the wall faded or on some other good shit. He's screaming more then before and off topic but i love it. Him and D.C. make a good team. Anik just throws in some random facts but Stoned Rogan is great.
He's been spitting fire. Talking about Cody Stamann being in a bad position because he has to smell Caraway's butt in that reverse triangle, to Adalaide Byrd driving a Ferrari since she judged the GGG vs Canelo fight. I like this DGAF Rogan.
Rogan is on cloud nine because this guy isn't around to regulate him.
He’s greened up to the gills
malf922 -He's been spitting fire. Talking about Cody Stamann being in a bad position because he has to smell Caraway's butt in that reverse triangle, to Adalaide Byrd driving a Ferrari since she judged the GGG vs Canelo fight. I like this DGAF Rogan.
Lol at that Byrd line.
He’s going off like this on the prelims - Rogan may smoke DMT for the main event.
Mustard Tiger - He's going off like this on the prelims - Rogan may smoke DMT for the main event.
That would be amazing
Rogan has said that he doesn't smoke before UFC gigs.
I would say that it's probs my the chemistry he has with DC + the fact he's at the don't give a fuck point in his career.
before rogan got mainstream and said that he doesn't smoke before fights he said that he ALWAYS smokes before fights.
he folds to mainstream pressure on shit. moon landings, being high for commentating, all sorts of dumb shit like that. just his personality - he bullies guests and other comedians on his podcast when he can, but folds and takes the opposite side to stuff when faced with people smarter than him, NGT etc. happens a lot
I wonder how much Rogan makes from his podcasts? The guy's following on youtube is pretty large now.
BuddyRevell -Rogan is on cloud nine because this guy isn't around to regulate him.
You mean around to put him asleep; yes i agree. Honestly though rogan and d.c. have good chemistry. Anik is just extra
I don't think Dom puts Rogan to sleep. I think he agitates him when he goes into Ben Shapiro know-it-all mode lol.
BuddyRevell -I wonder how much Rogan makes from his podcasts? The guy's following on youtube is pretty large now.
A LOT. This Reddit post from 2016 was breaking it down https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/61q3kb/jre_ad_revenueprofits/
Watch Joe Rogan rip on controversial #boxing judge Adalaide Byrd at #UFC222 pic.twitter.com/xdSpupBx6G
— Ryan Harkness (@Ryan_Harkness) March 4, 2018
got them hormone levels of a 17 year old
Plus he wants some spotlight and headlines…nobody talking bout him much last few weeks
ClydeErwinBarret -BuddyRevell -I wonder how much Rogan makes from his podcasts? The guy's following on youtube is pretty large now.
A LOT. This Reddit post from 2016 was breaking it down https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/61q3kb/jre_ad_revenueprofits/
For those of you too lazy to go to Reddit:
JRE podcast downloads and youtube views per month: 2014 - 11 million and 4 million. 2016 - 22.5 million and 7.5 million. (Feb)2017 - 66.5 million and 23.5 million.
CRM(Cost Per Thousand listeners) Advertising Rate: Podcast - $25-50 avg. Youtube - $7.60 avg.
JRE Advertising Revenue Per Month(CRM x Downloads x 3 ads, CRM x Views x 1 ad): 2014 - (podcast)$825,000-1,650,000, (youtube)$30,400. 2016 - (podcast)$1,687,500-3,375,000, (youtube)$57,000. (Feb)2017 - (podcast)$4,987,500-9,975,000, (youtube)$178,600.
JRE Advertising Revenue Per Year: 2014 - (podcast)$10,500,000-21,000,000, (youtube)$364,800. 2016 - (podcast)$20,250,000-40,500,000, (youtube)$684,000. (Feb)2017 - (podcast)$59,850,000-119,700,000, (youtube)$2,143,200.
Even if Joe doesn’t monetize his youtube channel, which he does at least to some degree, he has podcast ad revenue potential of $10s of millions per year, upwards of $100+ million if he has 12 months like February. The JRE has exploded in the past several months and, despite the number of podcast downloads coming from Joe, you can go count the Youtube views and how they have grown. In May 2016, there were about 7.5 million Youtube views for the JRE. In Feb 2017, there were about 23.5 million. In May 2016 Joe said he got 30 million downloads/views per month. Now he claims 90 million. This seems to be directly in line with how his Youtube views have tripled since May 2016. His show, and his ad revenue potential, has exploded.
Here is another way to look at it. Joe averages more than 3 million downloads per podcast. But let’s round down to 3 million. He averages 4 podcasts per week. A podcast like Bert Kreischer’s gets about 300,000 downloads per episode. Pretty good, but less than 1/10th of Joe. Bert has said that he makes $30,000 per episode. He also confirmed he makes $26.66 CRM(Cost Per Thousand listeners). 4 ads x $26.66 x 300,000 listeners equals almost exactly $30,000. Checks out. If Bert did as many shows as Joe(4x per week), he would be making $480,000 per month in advertising revenue. Or, $5,760,000 per year. That makes sense, if he churned out 200 episodes in a year. Now, multiply by 10+, because Joe has 10+ times as many listeners, and you get Joe’s advertising revenue(if he got $26.66 CRM like Bert), of $4,800,000+ per month, or $57,600,000+ per year. $26.66 is on the low end of the CRM range Joe could be receiving. He could be making up to 2x that much CRM, or, though unlikely, even more. That means, by calculating this way, he makes $57,600,000-115,200,000 in ad revenue per year.
This lines up directly with the calculations done the other way, above, of ~$59,000,000 at $25 CRM, up to ~$120,000,000 at $50 CRM. It is clearly correct.
All this is potential for the 3 ad spots he has on every podcast. He could very well be giving away ad spots to Onnit and Caveman, to the tune of a few million $ per month. But he has the absolutely realistic potential to be making roughly $60-120 million in ad revenue in 2017.
Now for net profit, let’s say the JRE overhead/labor/materials/expenses are the following: Jamie $100k Studio Rent/Utilities $100k Tools/Material Upgrades $100k Guest Travel Accommodations $100k Misc Expenses $100k
Whereas a radio studio or tv station or print media outlet would have millions or tens of millions of costs, Joe would have to be spendy to hit $500k producing his podcast. That means his ad revenues are realistically 98+% pure profit. He could probably pay young Jamie a cool million $ or 5 and not even flinch, still making $50-100+ million in profits in 2017.
At the very least, if Joe made only $25 CRM in ad revenue, then in 2014 he made ~$10 million, in 2015 we can assume ~$15 million, in 2016 ~$20 million, and in 2017 will make ~$55-60 million. That is over $100 million from 2014-2017.
If we assume Joe was making the higher end of average CRM at $50, he made ~$21 million in 2014, in 2015 we can assume ~$30 million, in 2016 ~$40 million, and in 2017 he will make ~$115-120 million. That is ~$205-210 million in the last 4 years.
That means Joe will have brought home, by year’s end, between ~$100-200 million in the last four years, minus a few million in costs, and taxes.
No wonder he is friendly towards the idea of Trump and his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, eh?
If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -ClydeErwinBarret -BuddyRevell -I wonder how much Rogan makes from his podcasts? The guy's following on youtube is pretty large now.
A LOT. This Reddit post from 2016 was breaking it down https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/61q3kb/jre_ad_revenueprofits/
For those of you too lazy to go to Reddit:
JRE podcast downloads and youtube views per month: 2014 - 11 million and 4 million. 2016 - 22.5 million and 7.5 million. (Feb)2017 - 66.5 million and 23.5 million.
CRM(Cost Per Thousand listeners) Advertising Rate: Podcast - $25-50 avg. Youtube - $7.60 avg.
JRE Advertising Revenue Per Month(CRM x Downloads x 3 ads, CRM x Views x 1 ad): 2014 - (podcast)$825,000-1,650,000, (youtube)$30,400. 2016 - (podcast)$1,687,500-3,375,000, (youtube)$57,000. (Feb)2017 - (podcast)$4,987,500-9,975,000, (youtube)$178,600.
JRE Advertising Revenue Per Year: 2014 - (podcast)$10,500,000-21,000,000, (youtube)$364,800. 2016 - (podcast)$20,250,000-40,500,000, (youtube)$684,000. (Feb)2017 - (podcast)$59,850,000-119,700,000, (youtube)$2,143,200.
Even if Joe doesn’t monetize his youtube channel, which he does at least to some degree, he has podcast ad revenue potential of $10s of millions per year, upwards of $100+ million if he has 12 months like February. The JRE has exploded in the past several months and, despite the number of podcast downloads coming from Joe, you can go count the Youtube views and how they have grown. In May 2016, there were about 7.5 million Youtube views for the JRE. In Feb 2017, there were about 23.5 million. In May 2016 Joe said he got 30 million downloads/views per month. Now he claims 90 million. This seems to be directly in line with how his Youtube views have tripled since May 2016. His show, and his ad revenue potential, has exploded.
Here is another way to look at it. Joe averages more than 3 million downloads per podcast. But let’s round down to 3 million. He averages 4 podcasts per week. A podcast like Bert Kreischer’s gets about 300,000 downloads per episode. Pretty good, but less than 1/10th of Joe. Bert has said that he makes $30,000 per episode. He also confirmed he makes $26.66 CRM(Cost Per Thousand listeners). 4 ads x $26.66 x 300,000 listeners equals almost exactly $30,000. Checks out. If Bert did as many shows as Joe(4x per week), he would be making $480,000 per month in advertising revenue. Or, $5,760,000 per year. That makes sense, if he churned out 200 episodes in a year. Now, multiply by 10+, because Joe has 10+ times as many listeners, and you get Joe’s advertising revenue(if he got $26.66 CRM like Bert), of $4,800,000+ per month, or $57,600,000+ per year. $26.66 is on the low end of the CRM range Joe could be receiving. He could be making up to 2x that much CRM, or, though unlikely, even more. That means, by calculating this way, he makes $57,600,000-115,200,000 in ad revenue per year.
This lines up directly with the calculations done the other way, above, of ~$59,000,000 at $25 CRM, up to ~$120,000,000 at $50 CRM. It is clearly correct.
All this is potential for the 3 ad spots he has on every podcast. He could very well be giving away ad spots to Onnit and Caveman, to the tune of a few million $ per month. But he has the absolutely realistic potential to be making roughly $60-120 million in ad revenue in 2017.
Now for net profit, let’s say the JRE overhead/labor/materials/expenses are the following: Jamie $100k Studio Rent/Utilities $100k Tools/Material Upgrades $100k Guest Travel Accommodations $100k Misc Expenses $100k
Whereas a radio studio or tv station or print media outlet would have millions or tens of millions of costs, Joe would have to be spendy to hit $500k producing his podcast. That means his ad revenues are realistically 98+% pure profit. He could probably pay young Jamie a cool million $ or 5 and not even flinch, still making $50-100+ million in profits in 2017.
At the very least, if Joe made only $25 CRM in ad revenue, then in 2014 he made ~$10 million, in 2015 we can assume ~$15 million, in 2016 ~$20 million, and in 2017 will make ~$55-60 million. That is over $100 million from 2014-2017.
If we assume Joe was making the higher end of average CRM at $50, he made ~$21 million in 2014, in 2015 we can assume ~$30 million, in 2016 ~$40 million, and in 2017 he will make ~$115-120 million. That is ~$205-210 million in the last 4 years.
That means Joe will have brought home, by year’s end, between ~$100-200 million in the last four years, minus a few million in costs, and taxes.
No wonder he is friendly towards the idea of Trump and his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, eh?
you max out at some point like i know a girl with 8 million followers her max is like $3,500 per post same as with 4 million followers. I was doing this math a few months ago I came up with Joe making 100 million on the podcast and it didnt seem correct but then again he is huge. He probably makes 2 million a month minimum I’d say 24-25 million a year from the podcast