How many days a week do you train?

How many days a week do you train? I train six days a week. Three days a week of sambo training plus working out at the gym, and three days a week of just working out at the gym.

8 days a week

1-2 days a week sometimes less

7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 30 days each month and 365 days a
year; why do you ask?

I am curious to see how many days a week people take off from training, that compete in MMA/grappling. I take off one day a week, sometimes two. But I know of people who train seven days a week, and some people who take three days off a week to let their bodies heal.

Anyone that trains for competition. I compete in sambo and grappling tournaments regularly.

I train 5-6 days a week and for anywhere from one to two and a half hours a day.

Cardio and strength building 6 days a week. Sparring/hard contact twice a week. Sometimes less if my training buddies have other plans on the weekends. What a great world it would be if I could train every day, but a demanding work schedule and a demanding wife make that impossible.

"I am curious to see how many days a week people take off from
training, that compete in MMA/grappling. I take off one day a week,
sometimes two. But I know of people who train seven days a week, and
some people who take three days off a week to let their bodies heal."

From what I have seen it's across the board, there are guys that go 5-6
days a week a few hours a day, to guys that go 3 days per week 2
hours a day; it all depends on your body and skill level. If your getting
ready for a fight or match some say at least 5 days and 3+ hours per
day...what level and what type of competition are you talking about?

Are you mixing it up and what do you count as training; if your training
for a MMA match you need to mix up your days w/ various training, if
it's a wrestling or jiu jitsu match you train by practice and then cardio
weights etc.

I need at least three days off each week, but I'm always doing

When I am healthy, no major injuries I get up to 5-6 days a week of skills work around 3 hours or so.

3 of those days usually include strength and or conditioning work for another hour-hour and a half.

The bad part is that all that work makes you more likely to get injured. I have a tough time giving myself enough time to heal injuries too cause I wanna jump back in.

4 days a week, 1.5 hours on avergae each day. Pick it up when a fight is on the horizon

6 sometimes 7 days a week with an optional rest day whenever I feel I need it. Occasionally I train in the morning and get 9+ trainings of grappling/MMA in.. Sometimes I work out to much. When I start feeling it, I take a day off eat like a mother and take naps all day.

6 days.

3 days a week average. I'm no pro though.

lol. You might as well ask people how much they bench.

I do something physical almost every day---running, bodyweight exercises, weights, skill work, etc... I have a job that requires weird hours though so I only get to practice MT 2-3 times a week on average.

Tuesday and Thursday regularly, often an extra day of sparring friday or sunday.

I`m lucky to train once a year.Loose chicks are getting harder to find.

5 days right now, usually only 3 though.

3 to 4 days a week of strength training/weightlifting.

2 days a week boxing.

1 or two days a week MMA and grappling.


Definately not enough!!