How NOT to celebrate after you win

Backflip Fail

how embarrassing.. poor dude haha

Phil Leotardo - I'm waiting for that to happen on a UFC show.


it was bound to happen sometime.

hahha, i thought it was gonna be daley punching kos after the bell.


That was smooth

Hahahaha. Geez, I just feel sorry when celebratory fails happen. Cause it's most likely just the overwhelming emotion.

TTT Phone Post


I think this is a good time for the 'Mark Colman falling off the ropes GIF' to make an appearance


I cant get enough of that one

He may have won the battle, but he lost the war.

 That was stupidity at a genius level!

BUFFGEO - I think this is a good time for the 'Mark Colman falling off the ropes GIF' to make an appearance


I cant get enough of that one

lol, that's exactly what I thought of when I opened this thread. This one is pretty dumb itself, but Mark's awkward bounce off the ropes is fuckin hilarious and embarrassing like no other.

needs to work on his break falls

Gawd that was hilarious! The guy that does the flip on his belly was better. That one can keep making me laugh uncontrollably sometimes.


 Haha, nice!

Another funny one was when Royce forfeited against Harold Howard, HH's manager starts jumping around celebrating. Then when he see's HH was pissed, he starts stomping like he's all mad and shit too.

^Howard didn't jump on his own back until the next fight though.