How to break in to the UG

Lol. This has been the greatest, most unprovoked mass troll-attack eva! Moar plz!!

IrishMMAFanatic - 
9ersKAEPedmyfudgehole - fuck yourself KKM

Fuck myself you dirty troll u talk hard on the web u would soil itself in real life sitting in your moms basement acting tough u pathetic little worm ..... In all honesty if I said my post face to face with you would you answer the same ? Phone Post

You captured the essence of this place perfectly.. you're well on your way.

Hey OP! Go fuck a potato!! Phone Post


battlefields -
SonnendbySilva - 
mclay -
SonnendbySilva - U should trane ufc bro. Fuck this mma bullshit. It's for pussies. Phone Post

Traning Bellator is better IMO Phone Post

Im an amber belt in bellator but thinking of starting ufc. Can't find a reputable gym in my area though. Phone Post

There's UFC gyms in heaps of dudes backyards. You're just being a bitch,

Your* imo Phone Post

Built Like A Fedor - Ok, this is my good deed for the month.

To the original poster, here are few tips to help you "break into" the UG/OG:

First, read more, post less.. at least for the first several months. There are A LOT of inside jokes and phrases here and it takes a while to acclimate yourself. Don't be in such a rush to get "popular".

Second, lighten up. You've failed every test on this thread when people were pulling your leg.. This place plays hard, but you need to understand that they're (mostly) just playing. Turn on your sarcasm meter.

Third, contribute. If you have unique insights on things, please feel free to share. Just don't be a douche. If you're funny, all the better. If you have cool pics, post them. You get the idea.

Enjoy your experience here. It's one of the best places in all the interwebz. Phone Post

This man (boy) is trolling you, don't listen to him! Phone Post

Where is the OP?
Did Irish give up on breaking in to the UG?

Richard Tuck - Where is the OP?
Did Irish give up on breaking in to the UG?

Got rustled IMO Phone Post

Richard Tuck - Where is the OP?
Did Irish give up on breaking in to the UG?

He's a political prisoner. Those British bastards probably took away his Internet access the same way they took his freedom. Phone Post