How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent DVDs

Hi guys,

I'm doing a limited release of the brand new DVD set that I did with multiple time world champion Emily Kwok.

It's called "How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent" and you can get a ton more info about it (and order it) by clicking here here:



Stephan Kesting

P.S.  The current deal is pretty sweet.  For the initial shipment of DVDs (600 sets) I'm pricing it at $97 (regular price $150), plus free shipping anywhere in the world, plus giving you a 365 day unconditional money back guarantee if you don't like them for any reason.  My DVDs sell out pretty quick, so please move quick if you'd like to take advantage of this deal.

How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent


Here's a clip from the set of Emily teaching the seated open guard and the 'Idiot Sweep' that both she and Marcelo Garcia have used against many opponents, large and small!

This advanced partner drill teaches you how to get deep underneath your opponent when you're using the open guard, and is much more difficult than it looks


This drill helps you develop that explosive 'butt-scooting' movement that Marcelo Garcia uses to start many of his butterfly guard sweeps


I watched the first video yesterday and came back to make some comments and find more, great surprise.

Anyhow: I liked the first video. I enjoy Emily's conversational style of instruction and thought the explanation was thorough. Two testaments aside from that -

1. my 8 year old daughter watched the vid all the way through and was genuinely interested. She is a judo player and it isn't uncommon for her and I to watch matches together (BJJ and Judo) but usually when it is a teaching thing she doesn't stick around for the whole thing unless it is short. 11 mins would normally not be something she'd volunteer for but she was engaged the whole time.

2. I actual got that sweep on someone last night. I tried to recreate the angles etc that Emily spoke about, and a little tiny bit of buttscooting to boot. Now both my opponent and I are 240 pounders and maybe not the exact target market but hey it worked.

Thanks Stephan

Sub Phone Post

 I ordered this from Budovideos. Who wants to touch me? 

Thanks guys, I'm working on another couple of youtube preview clips for you.  Should be up later on today or sometime tomorrow morning.  This is an item that I'm definitely going to have in stock in the future, but not at the initial launch price ($97 for 5 DVDs with free shipping).  After I've gone through my initial batch of DVDs (was 600, now is just over 400) the price will go up to about $150

 TTT for always informative and thorough technique videos from Stephan


i will watch later cause I like kestings stuff. my contribution would be, you got to keep them off you and get to their back

Earlier in the DVD she goes into detail about how to get your grips, make posture, stand up and break open the guard.  This is the part here where she teaches you how to do the 'fun stuff' (i.e. zip past your opponent's guard)

Professora Kwok is a real clinician with the explainations. What a pro.



One of the nice things about having more than 7 hours on a DVD set is that I can show a TON of preview clips!  In this segment Emily introduces the concept of 'Transitional Escapes'

Here's a solution for when everything goes wrong.  Let's say that you didn't manage to escape in the transition (as in the preview clip from the previous post) and end up completely pinned and out of position.

Oh, and Emily took a silver in yesterday's No Gi World's!  And the gold in last month's No Gi Pan Am's in the Absolute division!



Awesome! Congrats to Emily! Oh yeah, I ordered the set. Can't wait for it to arrive.

 great instruction.....

There are some really nice details and tweaks in this escape technique:

And btw, if you're thinking about getting these DVDs I'd move quick because they've been selling really well and at last count I only have 211 (of the original batch of 600) sets remaining.  Click here to order and for more info


Stephan Kesting