How to stop an UG argument...

ttt damn it!


Please please please let the complete knuckleheads that always post the text "end of thread" (like that has some sort of authoritative meaning...LOL!) learn something from this thread.

mm if this is how you stop arguments on the UG, then we definitely need more arguements!!


can ya dig it?

Finding quality pic's on the net is harder than you would think. Most sites show too much of the woman so I can't post that.

If you have some good pics to post, by all means post them. Thank you.

How about Amy our ring girl, shes a cutie. Not very reveiling but nice.

That's not a bad idea... can we get her to take some pictures? I'll help direct.

You... are... GODS!

I had to take this off of page 2 and put it here. Too many clips are already on that page. That was annoying and this page does have anything yet.

I just got back from training. Time to do some farming now.

"I just got back from training. Time to do some farming now."

Nice rack but a little conservative for this thread:

I like girls, I like guns, so why not...:

Oh man! I like this one:

OK, guns aren't for everyone,