how whould chuck norris do in mma

WidespreadPanic - Kicks to the head were allowed, but not KO, or hard contact, though if you did KO someone with one kick, you won the fight.


Yeah that makes sense. It's against the rules to kick hard to the head, but if you KO someone with a kick to the head, you win.

I swear, the BS with you and TOWE is getting deep in here.

^That is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. They're not allowed but you can win the fight with them? o.k.

WidespreadPanic - Captain Insano,Yes it sounds ridiculous, but that's TKD and Karate. They figure it's so difficult to score with a head kick that they score it like that.

Not only am I saying it, I've also been to many karate tournaments and at least twice knocked guys down with spinning heel kicks and won my fight. (they weren't KO'd but couldn't continue).

Back in the 80s we had just started wearing safe-t-kick gear, invented by Jhoon Rhee. Thus I had the foam kick boots on, but I've also won sparring matches in the dojang with hook kicks and roundhouse kicks to the head which made contact and when in bare feet.

Face punching was not allowed, but you could make light contact with safe-t-punch foam gloves on to the face in tournaments (usually backfists). In the dojang, we were not supposed to straight punch to the face, but light contact with the backfist was ok, bare handed.

Reverse punching to the face at a tournament which knocked the opponent down was ruled 'excessive contact' and we got penalty points or D/Q. (the idea was to promote high kicking)

Believe it or not, it's true. No BS.'s BS. I participated in many tournament in the 80's myself.

You could kick to the head as hard as you wanted, and absolutely no head punches were allowed at all.

I studied under the Kim brothers. The Kim Brothers are the sons of Grandmaster Yoo Jin Kim, one of the founding fathers of Tae Kwon Do in the US.

So yeah, nice try. You might BS some folks that don't know better......

Chuck would merely roundhouse kick thin air once inside the Octagon. After this, everyone watching would receive a concussion...including the audience, and the millions of viewers at home. It is because of this, and rising health care costs, that Chuck Norris was ASKED, PLEASE DO NOT APPLY TO THE UFC!

I think he'd do fine if it was on a mat. He'd have problems with a more structured enclosure.

officermatt - Chuck would merely roundhouse kick thin air once inside the Octagon. After this, everyone watching would receive a concussion...including the audience, and the millions of viewers at home. It is because of this, and rising health care costs, that Chuck Norris was ASKED, PLEASE DO NOT APPLY TO THE UFC!

 A ba rra.


 Chuck Norris was competing in bare knuckle fights back in the 70's.  My TKD instructor as a kid was a 5th degree BB under Chuck and told us stories about bare knuckle fight competitions they would fight in.  Match that with his Machado JJ and in his prime I bet he would mop the floor with most guys. 

No joke...

But then why doesn't/didn't he? Was he more into the art form then actual fighting?


Dont mess with chuck! 

As a black belt under Mr. Norris he would have been a world champ if MMA was the thing to fight in when he was fighting. He was the one who brought BJJ to the states. So for the clowns that think he is a joke and think that mma fans are on his sack you owe the eveloution of this sport to him so give him some credit. Not to mention he is a great guy and doesn't talk about people in a negative way like you haters do. Norris is a true martial artists who even in his 60's is still learning and can only hope to be half the man he is.