How would Fedor vs Anderson go today?

Anyone have a prediction on this match up if they fought in their current states? Would be a fun fight. 

Same has any fight at any time between the two, Fedor by ragdoll

Depends, how much are they offering anderson to take the dive against fedor?

More or less what they offered chael?

Anderson would have wrecked him in both their Primes. Fedor mauls him now.

The Immortal One -

Depends, how much are they offering anderson to take the dive against fedor?

More or less what they offered chael?

Don't be silly

Stardog Champion -

Anderson would have wrecked him in both their Primes. Fedor mauls him now.


Bofbro - 

Same has any fight at any time between the two, Fedor by ragdoll


Bofbro -

Same has any fight at any time between the two, Fedor by ragdoll


Anderson got dropped by Bisping

Fedor is a small HW but still too big for anyone thats not a large LHW to handle, outside of Hendo. You cant be undersized and expect to just grapple or strike with him, because chances are your theyre THAT much better, and he is going to be 100% more powerful and explosive than his opponent either on the ground or on the feet.

Ryann Von Doom -
Bofbro -

Same has any fight at any time between the two, Fedor by ragdoll


I am more of an Anderson fan.

Fedor would smesh at any point of his career.

I love Fedor, but I don’t think it’s as obviously his fight as people seem to think.

Anderson is still an accurate and dangerous counter striker even passed his prime, Fedor throws wildly and it seems like his ability to take shots has diminished over the years. I really could see either guy knocking out the other at this point in their careers.

Fedor would completely overwhelm Anderson 9/10 times at any points in their careers.